Chapter 34

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<~> 3 weeks later

Jordan's POV

It's been three weeks. Three weeks, and still no trace of them. In a way, I still feel like this one long dragged on nightmare that will go away. This feeling mostly stopped end of week one and the beginning of week two, but it creeps up from time to time.

The police said they've done everything they could. They agreed to give us one more month of searching, then calling quits. Well, they can call it quits, but we'll keep searching. I believe that I can speak for everyone else on the Team, we will not give up until we find them.

I sit in a room with Tyler who was fiddling with his hands. I let out a sigh and plop down on the bed. I was getting tired of pacing. "Hey Jordan, can I ask you a question?" I jumped a little, not expecting him to speak. "Sure." he didn't speak for a few minutes. Brilliant words Tyler. Love how you put that together.

"I've been trying to push this thought out of my mind for a week or so, and I find I just can't." He takes a deep breath to what I think is to hide the tears. "I can't help but think that they're close to dying. It's just they've been missing for three weeks. None of us know what the kidnapper is doing. And it just scars me, you know?" he lip starts to quiver and he breaks down.

This causes me to cry as well. I've never thought of that thought fully. When ever it came up, I pushed it to the back of my mind. Just didn't want to think about it really. I put my head in my hands and just start sobbing. Tyler was doing the same, except I saw him curled up in a ball.

There was a knock on the door and both our heads shot up immediately. We looked at each other in a panicked way, and started to frantically wipe away our tears. Halfway through, I realize there's no point because whoever it is, is going to see red eyes. The knocker knocked again, and I opened the door to Mitch and Jerome.

Mitch's POV

Jason has been really depressed for the past three weeks. Jerome and I have tried everything. Well, not everything, but that doesn't matter.

We wanted to get someone else's input. Everyone was out getting food, drank, or whatever they had to get. I then remembered that Jordan and Tyler were home, or at least in their room. "Jordan and Tyler are in their rooms. We can ask them." I suggested to Jerome. "Great idea Biggums. Lez go!"

We get to their door, and hear two people sobbing. I guess they cry in private. I knock on the door, but there was no answer. I assume that they were trying to hide the fact that they were crying. "Are they reapplying their makeup?" Jerome whispers in my ear. I give him a confessed look. "You know makeup runs when you cry." I give him another confused look.

"And you know this how exactly?"

"The Bocca has his secrets." I chuckle and knock again. This time Jordan answers. His eyes are red, and you could see faint tear stains on his cheeks. He welcomes us inside and I see Tyler looking similar to Jordan.

He waves and I smile. Then, I plop myself on the bed cause I can. We sit there for awhile just talking about random things. "Okay so we need your help on something." Jerome says. Jordan and Tyler exchange looks and point their attention to Jerome. "Well, everyone's going to be involved but no one else is here right now." He coughs. "Jason has been really down lately. Mitch and I have tried a lot of things, but nothing seems to cheer him up." He then pauses then looks at me. Of course.

"Ian, Adam, and Ty are taking him to a movie to try to cheer him up. He didn't seem too excited, but movies can do powerful things to people. Anyways, we thought you guys had some ideas about how we can all cheer him up." I've noticed that they have the I'm thinking face on so I stop talking.

Tyler looks like he has an idea. "How about we go try to find the kids ourselves. That way, he could feel like he tried. Also, we might have a better chance of finding them anyways because, we know something the police don't know. We know them."

(A/N) I know I said I would update yesterday, but I couldn't. I spent half the day with my cousins, then I had to go with my mom to pick up my sister from camp. Then I had to start cleaning my room and yeah. I'm sorry guys.

I'm also going to update at least once a week. I cannot give you a specific day of the week, and definitely not the time of day, but I can say at least once a week.


<3 Leedlesorus

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