Chapter 15

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Mei's POV

The bell rang, and we started to walk toward the exit. "Is your brother going to be cool with your boyfriend in your house?" I thought about that. "He doesn't have to know. Well, not yet anyways." I told Sarah and Ricky not say anything about Derek and I being a couple.

As we walked outside I saw Jason standing outside of my mom's car. We started walking, and he engulfed me in a hug. I could tell that he heard what happened, and he was crying.

"Do your friends want to stay over? I mean they have no where to go." we were all shocked. How did he know? I think he figured out that we thought it was weird. "The Dean told me about what happened with your friends. So is it a yes or a no, because I have a hungry Mitch in the car."

"Yeah we can." they said at the same time. We got into the car, and I felt like I was going to cry. I wasn't going to because I was in front of people. I sat next to Mitch and Adam, and Sarah Ricky and Derek sat in the middle of the car. Mitch hugged me. "It's okay to be upset you know."

Sometimes he knows just what to say. I smile. "I'm why passed upset, but I know." he chuckled a bit.

The car went to a sudden stop, and we heard screeching of tires. "What happened?" Adam yelled. Jason was out of breath and looked like he was going to pass out. "We have to leave this town, now."

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