Chapter 38

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Adam's POV

"Your friend is...awake." So much weight lifted off my shoulders. "You may see him. He's in room 792a on the 12th floor." She smiles and walks away. I make a mad dash in the elevator, with the others tailing behind me. I push the buttons frantically. "Dood, you're going to break the elevator." Ty grabs my arm, and pulls it down. I give a slight smile, and he blushes. "#SKYLOX!" Tyler yells in my hear.

"Shut up man!" he laughs as I playfully punch his arm.

The doors open, and I dash to the left. "IT'S THE OTHER WAY ADAM!" Mitch yells. I stop mid track, and dash the other way, earning chuckles from the guys. I eventually find 792a and walk in. Jason is on his phone, probably on twitter or something. I fake cough, and his head jerks towards my direction. "Hey Adam." He puts his phone away. I take a chair and sit down. "How are you feeling?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Jason you're awake!" Ty yells and runs towards the hospital bed, followed by the others. "Jason, what were you thinking?"

Jason's POV

"Jason, what were you thinking?" Ty asks me. What was I thinking? Was it stress? Or anger? Or just memories? Maybe it was all three. "I have no idea." This was true. I really did have no idea. We sit in silence until the doctor came in. "Hello, how are you doing?"

"Okay. You?" he smiles. "I'm doing well, thank you. We got the results of the tests, and you're free to go. A nurse will be in shortly to unhook the IV." I thank him and he leaves.

The nurse comes in and does her nurse stuff. She give the okay for me to leave. We exit the hospital and head towards the hotel. Tyler says he wants to tell us something, so we go into his room. "What's it you want to tell us?" Ian asks him. "Okay so, while you guys were at the movies, Merome, Jordan, and I were thinking about a way to get the kids back." My heart starts to race. "We were thinking about going to look for them ourselves."

I'm debating whether to agree, or say they're crazy. "Okay, let's do it." The guys look at me, and they nod their heads. "We'll head out tomorrow then." Adam says and we agree. We a head over to our rooms. I turn the light out and hop into bed. Tomorrow I'm going to look for my sister and her friends. I might actually get to see them. My thoughts were then interrupted by a loud bang.

I turn on the lights and see Adam on the floor. "Dood, what happened?"

"I tripped over my foot." I laugh, and he makes a pouty face. He gets up and strolls into bed. I again turn the light off, and drift into dream land.

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