Two days

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It had been two days since he dresses the male, and he had left them down there. He began to make breakfast for himself as he heard slight noise from the basement. This would oppose a threat if he had guests over. He ignored it for now, and would deal with it later. He made a steaming pot of clam chowder, and scoops up some with the metal large spoon. He placed the liquid into the bowl as steam arose from it. He could smell the seasonings he put in them.

He sits down and eats as he heard the noise from the basement. He stomped on the ground hard enough as a warning. He waited for another noise which he heard nothing. He began to eat with his spoon that was already in the bowl. He soon realized he forgot a drink, and remembered the other probably should eat and drink too. "I cant have my victim dying on me..." he says. He got up, and grabbed what was left in his bowl which was maybe six spoon bites. He then grabbed a small glass of water that was probably for children. He fills it with luke warm water before going to the basement door. The man unlocks all the locks as he makes his way down the steps. He could hear whimpers from the darkness as he made each step on the steps.

He turned the basement light on and put the food and the drink on the floor before sliding it over to the chained up male. "Eat it..." he says as he sits in a chair across the room. Without much moments to spare he found it amusing that the male couldnt reach any of it with his face. " cant reach? Then break free to do so." He says as he gets up and walked up the stairs. He could see the others scared eyes as it excuted him a bit. He wondered if he would really rip off his own skin on his hands for the food and water.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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