Youll be just fine

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He dragged the male to the door as he unlocked it. The rain drenched him as his hair sank with water. He saw the male waking up and tied up his mouth. "Nobody can save you now." The man said. He opened a door that led to a basement. He then threw him down the stairs. "Ill be right back..." he says as he walked away.

The male that he had captured was obviously in shock as he fell down the bottom of those stone stairs. The man then closed the door as he locked the top lock near the edge of the door. He then moved to the lock near the door knob, to the one at the very bottom. He then locked the door as well. "There." He says as he smiles that crooked smile.

He walked to the stairs of the dark hallway. "Its better this way..." he says. Blood was seen on the floor and he smiles twistedly. "I should clean this up.." he said as he remembers the very scream of the women he murdered. He went up the stairs while touching the old railing. He took off his clothes, his naked muscular body drenched in water. "It was a nice night for a catch..." he says to himself. He then began to grab a black tshirt, white boxers, black skinny jeans, and white ankle socks. He sighs and gets dressed.

He walked back down the stairs and smiles widely as he grabbed a tool box. "Lets make this last a while.." he says as he began to unlock every lock, including the doorknob. He opened the basement to see the male still at the bottom if the stairs. "I see your still tied up! What a good pet! Youll be just fine...for now." He says as he drooled over the idea of the screams.

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