Path to curtain call pt2

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When the trio had gotten home they had been cought by Mark waiting for them in the living room. "Why were three hanging out with that washout named Echo?" he asked looking at them with disappointment and betrayal in his eyes. James had a look of anger in his eyes but Erik held him back knowing that it was better to use words rather than fists at the moment. "Because we hadn't seen her in a while and she is James' sister so she is important to him regardless if she left the team," Troy said knowing that it was not entirely the truth. "Well it is best for the team if you guys cut contact with her because she is a distraction and we have to put the team first regardless of the situation," Mark said and that was when James hit him in the face in a single blow. That alone shocked the group because James rarely threw any punches when he was mad due to how calm and collected he was though since meeting his sister that went out the window when it comes to her. Erik and Troy didn't even stop him or help Mark knowing that it was what he deserved for saying something like that about their friend. Troy was about to do it himself because he loved and treated Echo like a sister he never had so hearing the person that was supposed to be their leader saying something like that to her had gotten him made.

"What is going on here?" Tony asked when he came in and saw the commotion. "James punched me in the face," Mark said as he was trying to regain his composure. "The only reason I did is that you said that seeing my sister is a distraction and the team comes first and should be above family," James said with anger still in his eyes. Tony looked at his son after hearing that and had a suspicion that he was the reason why Echo had left in the first place. "I figured that you had something to do with her leaving in the first place and I wanted to believe otherwise," Tony said looking at his son. That shocked everyone in the room because they didn't expect Tony of all people to think that it was Mark that drove Echo away in the first place. "It's true Dad she doesn't belong here and never had," Mark said knowing that what he was saying was true in his head. "At the moment, the four of you split up before this becomes an even bigger problem and for now you three keep your distance from Mark," Tony said before taking Mark to the medbay to get checked out.

"That was something and I never thought Tony of all people would take the time to figure out what was going on," Erik said looking where the father-son paring walked to. Troy and James agreed with him because they didn't expect Tony to be on their side somewhat on this. Echo was someone that they knew would be a better leader than Mark and it was a good thing that they defected from the team with Steve and Thor being the only ones who knew. In two weeks when the competition happens, they are going to announce that they left the team to create their own with Echo but knowing Mark he wasn't going to let them go without a fight. "It's a good thing that we could say that we made the right choice about leaving the team now right," James said as he started to walk to his room to get ready for the night. "That's true but you know we can't say anything to anyone else other than your dads right," Erik said as he followed suit. "Before I forget James have you heard from Cody?" Troy asked. "Not yet but the last message that I got from him said that he was going think about it and let me know what his choice will be," James said.

Cody is Bucky's son and only child which Steve and James saw as their nephew and cousin. James had told him that Echo was his sister and Cody told him that he will back him up if she started dating. That made James smile because even without even meeting her yet Cody was willing to be an overprotective older cousin to Echo and James did tell Echo about Cody already so she's prepared when they meet.

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