The truth

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Echo knew that the two heroes with her are going to find out the truth about her past. Though both Strang and Wong knew where she was it still made her nervous about facing her dad with the knowledge that he fought alongside his daughter. But even with that it still felt as if her being there knowing the truth already felt like a betrayal to the father that she never knew. "I know that you know that Steve is your dad," Bucky said as he walked into the room noticing that Echo was sitting on the edge of the bed looking out the window. "Strange and Wong told me a few days before today so yeah but the reason I didn't say anything is because I wanted to focus on the fight," Echo said without even looking at the hero.  Bucky understood why Echo didn't say anything about her relationship with Steve. "Am one of a few people that your mom told about Steve being your dad and she had me promise to keep from your dad," Bucky said as he sat next to his niece.

Steve on the other hand had a DNA test that was done on Echo when she did a blood test to see what her blood type is. "Fury, did you know that Natasha's daughter was mine?" Steve asked Nick Fury as he walked into his office. "Are you talking about the sorcerer that you and Barnes brought on board is indeed your and Natasha's daughter but she wanted to protect both of you," Fury said looking at the Captain. Steve knew that Fury was right along with understanding why Natasha kept the secret from him. "Who else knew about Echo?" Steve asked wanting to know. "Clint and Bucky knew but don't misunderstand them because they also promised Natasha to protect Echo," Fury said knowing that it was the truth. Steve thanked Fury for explaining the whole situation and went to see Echo in the medbay. When he got there, he saw that Bucky was talking to his daughter who was laughing at something that he said. "Hi Dad," Echo said looking over to her father. Steve was shocked that Echo noticed him but smiled knowing that it was the first time hearing his daughter calling him dad. "Am going to let you two talk," Bucky said before leaving the room. Steve and Bucky gave each other a looking knowing that they have an understanding with Echo. 

"See you later Uncle Buck," Echo said which made Bucky smile at the comment. There was an awkward silence between father and daughter before Echo hugged Steve. "I figured that Strange told you the truth not that long ago," Steve said as he let go. "He did and the reason why I was left in his care all these years," Echo said trying not to scratch the stitches on her hand and arms. "Don't scratch those cause it's going to make it worse and would cause it to bleed more," Steve said as he grabbed Echo's hands to make sure that she doesn't cause more bleeding. That was the first time that Echo was given some parental care from a blood relative outside of Strange and Wong. "It's rare that I have gotten stitches like these so me trying to scratch is something that I to stop," Echo said. The pair started to talk about the past and was more than willing to figure out a plan to integrate Echo into the Next Avengers team. Steve asked Echo to sing a song after hearing that she could sing.  

'I grew up seeing things a little differently, appearing 

Disappearing, hardly innocent, nor

Tied down to the groundI learned to roll and tumble with the punches 

Glory in my stripes and spots 

Walk by invisible and never make a sound 

But heavy is the crown that's always hidden 

Tender is the heart you never see 

Hard and fast shines the grin that we flash, but there's a vulnerable stripe or two on me

 Maybe any place outside of WonderlandIs not for me, my friend

 If I leave my grin behind, remind me 

That we're all mad here 

And it's okay sun up, sun down the shadows hide me down inWonderland, 

Wonderland, nobody knows the way 

But if you find it in your dreams, you can 

Find it at your day job

 Somewhere south of Hell 

Take the path to left or right with 

Just your gut to guide you 

The story is not for anyone else to 

Tell go down the rabbit hole and out the other side 

You can't go home in the middle of the magic carpet ride 

You gotta greet the sun before his lovely daughter moon 

You can't forsake the journey for the safety of your room 

Until you learn your lesson wellI have learned to see and hear 

Everybody loud and clear 

But the truth comes out in riddles that are 

Safe enough to share 

 That's how it is in songs, you see

 And stripes always look good on me 

Whether or not I'm really there (smile hangs in the air) 

But heavy is the burden of the wise ones 

When no one understands a word they say 

The Jabberwock never bothered anyoneBut nobody believes him to this day 

And why should they? 

If I leave my grin behind, remind meWe're all mad here 

And it's ok sun up, sun down the shadows find me out inWonderland, 

Wonderland, nobody knows the way 

But if you find it in your dreams 

You can find it at your day job 

Somewhere south of Hell 

Take the path to left or right with just your gut to guide you 

The story's not for anyone else to 

Tell you gotta go down the rabbit hole and out the other side

 You can't go home in the middle of the magic carpet ride 

You gotta greet the sun before his lovely daughter moon 

You can't forsake the journey for the safety of your room 

Until you learn your lesson wellIs it the stripes or the spots you see? 

Was it hearts or diamonds, baby, led you here to me? 

Darling, you know better than to trust a pack of cards! 

What have we learned the world is never as mad as it could be 

If I leave my grin behind, remind me we're all mad hereAnd it's ok!'

Steve was impressed that Echo was willing to sing in front of her father. One piece of info that Steve left with Echo is that she had an older adoptive brother named James which was something that made Echo smile.  

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