Fighting with Steve and Bucky

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It has been a few days since Echo had become a hero even though there hasn't been a situation where the sanctum has been called in for the fight. Dr. Strange had helped out Echo to choose the alias of North Star which make sense considering that it was something close to her. It wasn't long before the Sanctum had been called as backup in a fight that Loki caused bringing several creatures from another realm. "Loki trying to take over the plant and why did they need our help?" Echo asked looking over to Strange. "The Avengers need our help to wrangle the creatures and sent them back where they come from," Wong said as he was getting ready to fight them. Everyone at the sanctum was getting ready to head out to help the heroes with the creatures that Loki brought to the Avengers busy. When they got to where the fight was happening and saw the creatures were frost beasts. "Aren't frost beasts from Jotunheim?" Echo asked both Strange and Wong. "I know that we had no right to ask for your help," Captain America said when he spotted the sorcerers. Echo saw her father for the first time but decided against saying something knowing that it wasn't the best place or time. 

Dr.Strange and Captain America came up with a plan to take down Loki and his frost beasts. "You're Echo right?" Steve asked Echo when everything had been planned out. "I am and where do you need me, Captain?" Echo asked back ready to go for the fight. Steve told her that she was going to be with him and somebody from his team. Steve looked at Echo thinking that she reminded him of Natasha before she had been killed by the Red Room 14 years ago. Echo followed Steve to where his buddy was waiting for them and much to her shock that the other member of Steve's team was none other than the reformed Winter Soldier. "It took long enough from figuring out how to plan this out with Dr.Strange, Cap," the winter soldier said before spotting Echo behind his friend. "I had to get our friend here before heading over here, Buck," Steve said before looking over to Echo. "Aren't you a bit young to be fighting Asgardian creatures?" Winter Soldier asked Echo. Echo looked at him trying to figure out where she saw him before. "No am not too young to fight frost beasts plus am with the Santcum Ssantorum," Echo said with a smile on her face before blasting a frost beast behind him. 

Both Steve and Bucky looked at Echo shocked that she spotted the frost beast before they did but they are grateful that she just saved their lives. "Ok am never going to mess with a magic user ever," Bucky said looking over that the 15-year-old sorcerer. Steve looked over to Echo knowing that the girl with that had most likely several years of experience in the mystical arts to do something like that. "I have been training in the mystical arts since I was about 5 or 6," Echo said. The two Avengers looked at the young magic user with both impressed and shocked looks on their faces knowing that very few sorcerers at the sanctum are her age. After getting over that shock, the trio scouted the areas that they passed as they were trying to find Loki or more frost beasts to take them out. Every time that they came across a frost beast, Echo would hit it with a fire spell while Steve and Bucky distracted it to get a good shot. Steve and Bucky had gotten word that Thor had taken down his brother and was taking him back to Asgard but they didn't notice that a straggler of a frost beast was sneaking up on them. 

Echo noticed it and so she lassoed it to pull it back for the pair. The frost beast escaped the rope and turned its sights on Echo. It ran right at her and before she could put up a shield it scratched her forearms and hands pretty good. "Steve, the kids down and hurt," Bucky said when he spotted Echo trying to get up from the street. "Kid, are you ok?" Steve asked when he saw Echo and helped her to her feet. "I'm fine just got scratched," Echo said trying to find a knife to cut strips of fabric off her uniform. Steve and Bucky knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have the resources to do the number of stitches that Echo would need to heal correctly. "As much as we want to send you back we think that it's best if you come with us to the Helicarrier," Steve said before getting in contact with Dr.Strange to let him know of the situation with Echo.  

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