Showing off and the Winner

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Dance Spirit walked off the stage when they were done with their last song. As they waited backstage, Mark along with Jack and Lily walked over to the group. "That was quite impressive, to say the least, but now it's time for the solo part of the competition and I don't know who is going to represent your group either way you are going to lose," Mark said as he left the group. "Sooner or later am going to beat his ass for being a jerk," Erik said which was a sentiment that was shared with the rest of the group. "Either way he wasn't going to know that hit him when he sees Echo doing her thing on that stage," James said with a smile towards his sister. "Thanks, Jamie but I'm just nervous about doing the solo part in front of Dad and before you three say anything I know I had just done an entire set but that was with others," Echo said as finished putting the finishing details of her outfit. "It is time for the solo portion of the competition and each dance has put together a routine that is unique to them alone," said the mc before he called out the first dancer.

One by one, each of the solo dancers went on stage to do their thing but they had no heart in their moves. "Next up is Mark Stark for his solo performance," the MC said as the light went down so he could start. It was at that moment that Mark realized that his dad was right when he told him that a leader is willing to do anything for their team not using them for his own gain. Song after song, Mark was trying to put his best but it seems that the judges didn't seem impressed by his routine at all. Then it was all over so Mark went backstage and saw that Echo was not wearing her costume from earlier when she did the last two songs but was wearing a t-shirt with a button-up over it along with ripped jeans and custom-painted hi-top converse. "Our last solo is tonight's favorite Echo Rogers for this event so put your hands together for Echo Rogers," The MC said as he walked off stage and the lights went down. Echo is going to shock the audience when she got to her last three songs because, with the solo performances, they allowed dancers to sing up to three songs during their time on stage.

The first song in her's performance is 'You're Gonna Go Far' by The Offspring. That start for Echo's routine got her ahead in points because the rest of the solo dancers started off slow before building up to this type of song. Along with the fact that none of them were willing to sing a song at all. When the song ended the next song that started to play was 'What You Own' from the musical RENT and one of the few songs that Echo can dance to by herself. Then when the song ends the lights went down and when they went back up Leander was not on stage. This was because she went to the crowd to start her next song 'Bet On It' from High School Musical 2.

When the music started and everyone saw that the stage light went over the audience so it landed on Echo who was standing near her father. The song itself was about how one person can be pulled into different directions while trying to be true to what they are. It was a good song for Echo because it was something that she sees in herself on a daily plus how she did the dance to the music got her extra points on creativity. While backstage, everyone outside of Dance Soul saw how well Echo was using the stage to her advantage along with the fact that she has experience in using the area that she's performing to her advantage. When that song ended with 'Cho back on stage was when the song 'The Phionex' then after that it was "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark' both by Fall Out Boy. Which was more fast pace songs than most people in the audience have heard before. It was also the moment that Cody Barnes walked into the hall during these three songs to sit right by his honorary uncle to see Echo perform. He had heard about her when he got messages from James the last few weeks when he was away.

Echo's last two songs before she gets to sing were 'I Just Wanna Run' by The Downtown Run and a 'Smooth Criminal' cover by Annapantsu and Caleb Hyles. These are two songs that Echo never danced to before so she had to figure out the choreography leading up to that day. The three songs that Echo was going to sing are 'Myself' by Rachel Levin, and 'Let Me Make You Proud' from Disney's Tangled; The series, with 'Fearless' by MALINDA is the last song of her routine for the night. When Echo was done dancing she was given a mic for the three songs that she is going to sing. That was the most nerve-wracking part of the entire night because she never sang in public before.

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