Going to the Tower

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Echo pov 

After Dad and Uncle Stephen talked about me staying with Dad at Avengers Tower for a week to see how it goes. I was given the address of the tower and I walked with a duffel bag packed with a week's worth of clothes.  When I arrived at the tower when I saw a guy about a few months to a year older than me waiting in the lobby. "Are you Echo?" he asked me when I walked in.  "Yeah am Echo but who are you if you don't mind me asking?" I asked the guy in front of me when I noticed the sword strapped to his hip. "Am Troy Foster and a member of the Next Avengers team," Troy said before telling me that his dad was Thor. 'So far so good I thought to myself before following Troy upstairs to the main living room. I could tell that Troy was looking at my scars that now have completely healed and the bandages were taken off so they looked like I had painted tiger stripes on my hands and forearms. "Why are you looking at my scars?" I asked the half-Asgardian next to me in the elevator. "Sorry if that was rude I didn't know that you had gotten hurt from my uncle's attack with the frost beasts the other day," Troy said remembering hearing that one of the sorcerers from the Sanctum Santorum had been hurt. 

"Getting hurt in our line of work is a fact that we know well but I also know that getting injured by magic is higher than a physical attack," I said without looking at the demigod. That had gotten him to shut up for the moment before arriving on the right floor. When we walked out of the elevator as we spotted somebody else just standing there waiting. "Just in time and you must be Echo Rogers?" said the other guy in front of me. I looked at him shocked that he already knew my name before I even had gotten there. "Yeah and how do you even know my name?" I asked the guy. "Sorry am Erik Banner and I asked about the new person coming to the tower," Erik said being honest. That I could take because the Next Avenger team would want to know about the new person arriving at the tower for the first time in a couple of years. "Fair can one of you guys show me which room I will be staying in for the next week?" I asked as I readjusted my grip on my bag. "Both of us can show you and help you unpack before James comes back with food," Troy said with Erik agreeing before showing her down the hall. When we got to the room was when a voice had come over the intercom. "Why are you two wanting to come into this room?" the voice asked us. 

"Jarvis, this is Echo Rogers and she will be staying with us for the next week while getting to know her father and brother," Erik said. "Well nice to meet you Miss Rogers and I hope that you enjoy your week here,"  Jarvis said before going silent. "Thank you for the welcome," I said with a smile knowing that it was a polite manner. The pair looked at me with shocked looks because I didn't freak out when Jarves spoke over the intercom. "The reason why I didn't freak out is because I grew up at the Sanctum Santorum for the past 14 years so disembodied voices are something that I grew up hearing," I said looking at Erik and Troy before one of them opened the door. They let me go in first and when I did the first thing that I felt was that the room was cold almost frigid even though the room was warm. Looking around the room, I could see where I could decorate it with more color when I realized that it was the lack of color that made the room colder than it was. "Ready to get this room decorated?" Erik asked me as he grabbed my bag to place it on the bed. 

It took almost an hour to decorate my temporary room at the tower when we heard the elevator open in the living room. "Guys I brought food from our go-to diner down the street," said the voice and I could tell that it was male. When the three of us walk into the living room when I spotted my older brother, adoptive but brother nonetheless before I was hugged by him. "Look at you and the last time I saw you was when you were a year old," he said as let go. "And you must be James my older brother," I said as I grabbed the bag of food. "Adoptive older brother," James corrected me. "But my brother regardless Jamie," I said with a smile knowing that nickname had gotten under my brother's skin. James just looked at me knowing that I was bringing a change to the team with just my attitude. The four of us started to eat the food that James brought when it came up that I could sing pretty well. 

Can you sing something for us?" Troy asked wanting to hear me sing. I knew that there was no way of me getting out of this situation that was backed into by my brother and the two new friends that I made.        

'Oh it's been a while since I've felt this feeling

I'm in control, the one who is breathing
I'm in control
Oh it's been a while, fighting temptation
I'm in control, the one who is moving
I'm in control

Now there's things I've done I can't take back
The steps I've made I can't take back
But now that I've found myself
Nobody but myself
I'm stuck on this feeling, full on believing that I will face the world
Now that I've found myself
I'm nobody but myself
There's nothing I'm doing I'm not approving
Now it's just me

And I've found myself
This feeling is bold, it fills every breath of me
Every touch, every leap, I'm in control
Let me show them what I can do
How I'm free in the way that I move
I'm in control

But the steps I've made I can't take back
But now that I've found myself
Nobody but myself
I'm stuck on this feeling, full on believing that I will face the world
Now that I've found myself
I'm nobody but myself

There's nothing I'm doing I'm not approving
Now it's just me
And I've found myself
So maybe things went wrong in the past

These things I lost I cannot take back
The things I'd do to get them back
But maybe things were meant to be wrong
So I'd be here, not on feet, standing tall
And it hurts
Now that I've found myself
Nobody but myself
I'm stuck on this feeling, full on believing that I will face the world
Now that I've found myself
I'm nobody but myself

There's nothing I'm doing I'm not approving
Now it's just me

And I've found myself'

"I never heard someone sing so well," James said looking at me. I started to blush knowing that it was the first time that I sang in front of people who never saw me perform on the street as a street performer. "Thanks and it was nothing," I said and we just sat in silence before we heard the elevator open once again. "You must be Echo Rogers our new roommate for the next week," said one of the new arrivals. "I am and who are you?" I asked back knowing that they are going to be on my nerves. "Am Mark Stark team leader and I think its best if you take orders from me if you want to survive here," Mark said when he looked me up and down. "Usually a leader leads by example, not by threats and you don't start off well with that with me," I said looking at him straight in the eye.      

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