2.0 - Bad Boy - Don't come too easily, that's no fun

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Setting: 8 00 pm, A dance academy somewhere in Incheon

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Setting: 8 00 pm, A dance academy somewhere in Incheon

Everyone agrees with Jiwoo's plan and got everything settled. Sooyoung, agrees to be the one to talk to Taeyong and since she's the only trainee among them four. With her being the company's top trainee, Sooyoung has full faith that she can convince him in a piece of cake.

Sooyoung was sure TY would be at the headquarter by this time. The gang wouldn't want to waste any more time especially Sooyoung and Chaewon. By this time, the trainees must have already went home and only few would be around.

So... wish me luck guys.

Wish we could come with you tho, but appointment time for non-trainees is over and we aren't allowed beyond that point.

But Chae, you're the only one who resigned officially. I still got my license with me.

I guess I'll be staying in the lobby then. If only Jiwoo came with us...

Don't sweat, it'll be just a moment. You guys didn't even need to come you know? Lol.

Hello? I'm resigning with you remember? That's why I definitely would come with you.

After Sooyoung and Hyejoo left, Chaewon remained outside the building alone and waited under the waiting shed looking like a serial killer with her outfit.

For Sooyoung it was always easy to be able to get an appointment with him since she's the best trainee the company has. Every time the two would meet, it's always about business and more business. If they succeed, this'll be the last meeting between them as co-workers.

Uhm you should probably wait here...


Hey! You're an escaped prisoner right? Lol. He might attack you if he suddenly sees you.

Without further ado, Sooyoung made her way to Taeyong's office. Taeyong doesn't seem like himself today, he looks like he has even more problems than ever.

Not now Yves! I can't handle all these bullshit with you getting in my way.

That's the point! This is exactly why I came here.

Sooyoung raised her voice all of a sudden.

You see... I've been with this company even before you, I think it's safe to say that...

That what!!??

That this place was way better before you came!

This company wouldn't be on the top and wouldn't have gone this far if I haven't handled it!

But being on top and being superior isn't what your dad even aimed for this place...

You don't know anything about my family!

It's already half an hour since the two left. Chaewon, who's left outside is becoming worried. There's only a few hours left before curfew even and she's afraid her mom would make a long ass sermon once she comes home late even though her home is only a few blocks away.

She tried contacting the two but none of them would even bother picking up. This made her even more worried that she decides to bust her way inside. Before she could make her way through the entrance, she panicked when someone went out.

Chaewon immediately turned away when she saw Donghyuck. The two saw each other and tension could be felt from their whole system. Donghyuck took the chance and decided to approach Chaewon first.

Mind telling me why you're even here?

You tell me! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the recording studio or at some other places except here?

You still act like that! You never changed! You still have that attitude of a fucking...

So we're suddenly talking about attitude now? Look, you don't even...

Tears came falling down from Chaewon's eyes from so much anger. By anger, it's more like an unknown feeling that she haven't felt before that made her cut her words.

You know what!... just, forget about it! We're very different from each other... there's nothing more left for us to talk about. I think we already ended this a long time ago.

She left Donghyuck and just made her way back home without thinking of the other two left from the place.

Back in Taeyong's office, the atmosphere has become more and more unusual. An insane looking and half-sobbing TY appeared. He opened one of his drawers in order to grab a gun and held it towards Sooyoung.

Okay... you're definitely out of your mind... Why don't we do this the easy way?

Sooyoung being cornered by Taeyong, tried to maintain her composure instead of panicking.

The easy way? Alright... We'll do it how we always do it!

Before TY could pull the trigger, Sooyoung knocked the gun off his hand using her foot.

Hyejoo from the other side of the hallway, heard commotions going on from Taeyong's office and immediately ran her way inside.

Sooyoung was on her way to grab the gun that fell on the floor when Taeyong held her captive with a knife pointed at her.

Get out of here Hyejoo! Don't look back! Don't let anyone see you!

Hyejoo saw the gun that Sooyoung was coming for. She pulled the trigger and the gun shot was heard from different parts of the building.

Setting: 10 00 pm, A dance academy somewhere in Incheon

After receiving a call from the company, Donghyuck hurriedly made his way back to the building. He got back as soon as possible and the police are already everywhere and doing searches.

What happened? Where is he?!

A lifeless body covered with blood can be seen as the hospital crew carries it on their way to the ambulance.

The body was obviously from his brother Taeyong. Donghyuck was very close to letting his tears fall when one of the investigators stated a few reports and evidences that they collected.

A gun shot is obviously done with a gun on the floor being a very credible proof. One of the murderers are caught by one of the company staff. She refused to be interviewed and you'll just be meeting her at court.

One of the murderers? What do you mean? Are there more? Do you know who killed him?!

Based on data gathered from the investigation, the woman was named Sooyoung and we made suspicions that there's at least two of them that tried to murder the victim. The other one escaped and was caught on one of the building's camera about to exit the premises.

Where's the footage?!

The investigators lead Donghyuck to the footage caught by one of the CCTV cameras.

The footage is very weak as an evidence since the suspect cannot be seen clearly. There aren't many clues that can be gathered because of unidentifiable clothing except the hair color which seems to be dark black color.

The person's identity was almost impossible to determine until Donghyuck remembered a few things that happened previously.

Sir, do you happen to have an idea or knowanyone who might indeed have an intention of doing this murder?


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