1.7 - Bad Boy - You can try to escape

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Setting: 1 45 pm, Residence somewhere in Seo District

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Setting: 1 45 pm, Residence somewhere in Seo District

What's with these apples Jisungie?

Eat it, it's from Jaemin hyung. He said thank you for the notes for the examination.

Y- you know him? How did you even meet lol.

I thought you're friends with him. Didn't you know? He trains in the same dance academy as mine.

I... have no idea.

He's a new trainee I guess. I think he enrolled only this year when you left.

Anyway, you can have those. I'd be happier when he brought pineapple lol. Just kidding, you look like you need them more.

Setting: 12 00 pm, A Contemporary Music School somewhere in Seoul

Examinations are over. Students from different levels can be seen going out of the campus. Everyone can finally have a peace of mind... temporarily. The tests are just the first out of more challenges.

Students can be seen around asking what the correct answer was from a particular item from their exam like what normal students would do after taking their test.

Yerim who came from the other class' room can be seen with a handful of apples in a basket. She arrived to where her friends are waiting for her.

Well someone's looking fruity today...

So... who's it from?

It's from Chaewon's classmate, it's actually for her... to show his thankfulness.

Thankful for what? Why are you giving it to me then?

For the notes Chaewon gave before examinations. He said she already went home early like... every day, so he said I should just give it to you then since you two are besties.

Wait... why are you even in their class? Oh my gawd, you're definitely going out with him aren't you?

Nooo... let's not jump into conclusions shall we?

Okay, but you gotta tell us about him once in a while okay? I can't believe it! Yerim dating? I'd never expect it to be soon lol. Chenle and I can't relate.

Yeah yeah, although I don't think it's official yet.

Why don't we just go already... I think I'm already starving. I'll take those apples now, tell your guy I said thank you btw. Both of you, take some as well. Chaewon ain't even an apple girl, she's more into pineapple lol.

Nahh I'll pass, I don't think I should take some since it's for you and Chaewon. I'm fine with it, I prefer cherries anyway.

I'll take some thank you very much.

Setting: 2 00 pm, Dormitory in Gwanak District

After eating lunch together with her friends, they already went home to rest after a long day. After the two day examination, Olivia's glad that she could only think about only one thing right now... sleeping.

It's still early and the sun is still up but she chose to waste her remaining hours to sleep. She threw herself in the bed as soon as she got dressed.

But before she could get her eyes shut... Chaewon called her phone which she isn't surprised by at all.


Let me sleep first please...

Jisung got poisoned...


Whatever you do, don't eat any apples given to you... Please, I'll explain everything later. I'll come over later...

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