1.3 - Bad Boy - Oh your style is chic

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Setting: 11 30 am, A Restaurant somewhere in Gwanak District

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Setting: 11 30 am, A Restaurant somewhere in Gwanak District

Look, I'm sorry about earlier... I should've...

Lol it's okay. That's a great improvement tho. I thought you're going to ignore people for the rest of your life lol. Btw you should invite Chaewon next time we eat together for lunch. I like your outfit.

Oh, she has errands to run like every day. She's available only on weekends.

Olivia thought about what Yerim has said a second ago. Next time? She wasn't expecting any next times, she thought it's just this friendly eat lunch together.

Oh well look at the time I think I'll go.

Already? But we just ate. You know we could...

Before Yerim could even say what she was supposed to say, Olivia left and greeted her with a slight smirk like what she received earlier during their first encounter.

Olivia dropped her student's copy of her information sheet on her way out and Yerim saw it. She grabbed it and saw the contents.

I'll just return this tomorrow. Yerim spoke in her head.

Setting: 1 00 pm, Dormitory in Gwanak District

Olivia went back to her dorm and all she ever wanted is to lie down like any other normal college student would do. Before she could get a shut eye, Chaewon called through facetime. And so it goes.. the never ending chat for hours.

Tell me again why you wanted to use facetime instead of just chatting me.

So you wouldn't fall asleep from all my rants and gossips, what else?? Duhh... Anyways Jisung just got home. He looks exhausted lol, poor guy. Must be training all day while studying.

Hope he's happy there tho... Say hi to him for me.

Btw how did your lunch with Sunshine go?

Wow last time I heard you use Sunshine was when you're still with Hy...

DON'T even think about continuing. You're gonna get your ass whooped tomorrow if you even bother bring him up again.

Olivia and Chaewon's conversation ended. She checked the time, it's only 4:30 in the afternoon. She wasn't able to sleep because of her convo with Chaewon but she has no regrets. Talking with her best friend is enough for her to be happy.

Since it's still early, Olivia still has time for a little advance reading. The only problem is... she doesn't have her books. Her will to study has flew like a butterfly. There's nothing to do if you're alone in your dorm without your family. She has things that she can spare time for, but it's still different without the comfort of your own home.

She had a struck of realization. She made a decision to move to this university and pursue her dreams. She wouldn't wanna let anyone from her family down. With that realization, she decided to go back to the campus and get her materials in order to study.

Olivia wasn't expecting what she just saw after leaving her room...

We live in the same dorm?? Omg we can help each other.

Yerim came and open the door and they saw each other in the dormitory's hallway.

This kid is too hyper, doesn't she have a boyfriend or at least friends to keep her company? How in the world is she so interested in me? Lol. Olivia thought in her mind.

Let's watch a movie together, what type of music do you listen to? Let me show you these...

I actually forgot some things in my locker. I'll see you later. Btw am I allowed to come back tho?

Don't sweat, you're welcome there as long as there's still classes. If I do remember, Jinrak is still there, so you'll get those books in your locker in no time.

Jinrak? Olivia let out a small chuckle, she thought the name is weird. Never hear of him tho... And what about him?

Jinrak... he's part of the student council, so he probably has access to some part of the campus we don't have or limited like the locker room.

Okay I'm sorry but you keep on saying JInrak and that cracks me up lol. I have to admit it's a very unfamiliar name lol. Still have no clue of who he is tho.

Jong Jinrak... your seatmate... the grade conscious Chinese guy that always studies in class.

Him? He's JInrak? Lol It's cute tho... it suits him lol.

Oh but he prefers being called with his Chinese name lol.

Call him Zhong Chenle.

(The amount of lols in this wth...lol)

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