1|| New York, New Companions

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"Dude, chill!" Peter exclaimed as Shawn nervously tapped his foot on the floor. His friend sighed shakily, a smile covering his face.

"Can you believe it? This is my biggest case yet! And I've been invited to New York! To New York, and they even bought us tickets!" Shawn rambled nervously, still unable to process the fact that he has been invited to New York to solve a case that he was still unaware of what it was exactly.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Figures. Now I'm nervous too." Peter replied and copied the actions of his friend. Shawn let out a light laugh at his bestfriend's behavior.

"Are you nervous about the case?" Shawn asked, and Peter shook his head.

"The plane's about to take off." Peter replied, and was now gripping his seat belt. Shawn laughed lightly, but his thoughts went back to the case.

"I still can't believe it. Out of all the detectives, they chose me." Shawn reveled at the fact, finding it surreal.

"Yeah. Don't they have that Latina chick already?" Peter commented skeptically. He was indeed very proud of his friend, who has been nothing but humble and dedicated to his job.

"I thought nobody knew me outside Atlanta." Shawn said, completely ignoring his friend's comment about the infamous Camila Cabello of New York. He disliked her for his own reasons, but it was mostly because of her arrogance.

"Well, apparently not! You're going worldwide, bruh!" Peter exclaimed and Shawn had to stop himself from putting his hand over his friends mouth, probably embarrassing both of them to the other passengers.

"We should probably take a nap, it's a 3 hour flight." Shawn said to his friend. They both fell asleep after that, completely missing out on their first airplane experience.

Shawn lazily waited for the plane to land, hearing a few announcement from the crew and the pilot himself. He was still a bit tired from his sleep, but his excitement hindered him from getting any more sleep.

"Pedro." He called his friend by his real name, and shook his arm. Peter annoyedly pushed Shawn's face away and continued to sleep.

"Dude, we're landing." Shawn whisper shouted and suddenly, Peter's eyes flew open.

"Dude, what if we crash?" Peter asked his friend nervously, earning another laugh from his friend.

"Shut up, Pedro. Don't be such a pussy." Shawn joked with a grin on his face, while Peter gasped.

"You kiss yo mama with that mouth?" Peter asked him with a hand on his chest. Shawn shrugged, his mood has already shifted.

"Yeah, including yours." Shawn replied and laughed lightly. He was rarely in the mood to joke around, because he was always too serious and occupied; although his excitement and Peter's comments lightened up his mood.

Once they were off the plane, their nerves started kicking back in.

"Darn it. I have like all these butterflies in my stomach." Shawn said to his friend, clutching his stomach as they pulled carried their luggage with them.

"Forget the butterflies, I have freaking grenades exploding in my stomach! Is this jet lag?!" Peter exclaimed as they both made their way to the arrival area, both of them too nervous to speak again.

After a few minutes, everyone was either hugging their relative, some even made out, the two still couldn't find a placard with their names on it. It confused them as to why there were so much people even after every passenger had left. They even noticed a few cameras flashing from afar. Peter narrowed his eyes on one paper that has gone unnoticed for the past few minutes.

"Shawn Mendes and his friend."

It was being held up by a tall man in his suit, and beside him was a rather short woman who has been the center of all the attention. She was picking at her nails, wearing shades and the most expensive looking outfit the two have ever seen.

"I can't believe it!"

"Man, I'm sorry. They probably didn't know your name or something." Shawn apologized to his friend, completely oblivious to the beautiful woman standing next to her body guard.

"Forget the placard, man. It's Camila Cabello!"

Shawn instantly froze as his eyes met hers from afar, when she lowered her sunglasses to look at him. She flashed him the infamous smirk as his expression hardened.

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