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Hardin pov.
After all these weddings I feel guilty. Tessa and I, well I wasn't thinking about getting married at all. Of course I want her to be named Tessa Scott, fuck yes. But I keep saying she is too good for me, I got in a relationship with her two years ago and I am still proud to call her mine, but is she mine already? I do not want to marry her just because her friends got married too. I want too be with her forever, untill the day we die. I want to hold her and tell people she is mine, like I already do that, (oops) but it would be official. But asking her just during dinner of something is not special at all. I am really bad at these things, planning is not my think. Tessa always plans everything, I agree of disagree with it. I have been really thinking about this, if I ask her to be mine forever I have to make it special. The way I am the way she is, not thinking about flowers. Because we both do not care about them, I have to think about something we always agreed on. I know tessa is not like the other girls I have fucked with, she likes books, she is a genius and she is absolutely stunning. Wait I got an idea!

Short chapter, but I wanted to post something and the next one will be the idea heheheh thanks for th 2.5k readers<33 the next chapter will be longer that is why this one is this short:)

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