Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

That evening, we are laying in bed in the dorm still after yet another round and we finally walk out of the dorm and head outside. Walking to his bike we see Jax and he says "Holy shit. You come up for air finally?" I laugh and Juice says "Gotta feed my wife man." and you can see the smile on his face. We head down to the diner and as soon as we get off his bike, he laces his fingers with mine and we walk into the diner. After we order our food and eat, we head home. Walking up to the door, he picks me up and carries me across the threshold. Carrying me straight to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the night worshiping each other before falling asleep from pure blissful exhaustion.

Waking up the next morning, I get up and cook breakfast before getting ready for work. Once we both eat, we head out to his bike and my car. Kissing me goodbye, he says "I'll see you tonight babe." I kiss him back and say "See you tonight. Please be safe today." I say. "I will. Love you." he says. "Love you back." I say before we go our separate ways.

I walk into work and clock in. Sitting at my desk, I get started working when my boss walks up. "How was your weekend?" she asks. "Really good. Oh, I need to do a name change on my files." I tell her. She looks at me confused and I say "I got married this weekend." She looks at me shocked and says "We didn't know you were seeing anyone." I smile and say "Yeah. I like to keep my private life private." She smiles and says "What's your new last name?" Smiling wide, I say "Ortiz." I tell her. "I'll get that changed." she tells me. As she walks away, one of my co-workers, Jamie, comes over and asks "I hear you married a SON." she says. "I did." I tell her. "You know they won't stay faithful. I hear what happens at those parties." she tells me. "Well, unless you've ever been to one, don't assume." I tell her. "So, what, now that you're married to one they gonna pass you around like some biker whore?" she asks. I stand up and say "No. They don't pass us around. Like I said, don't talk about something you don't know shit about." She smirks and says "I bet if I showed up, I could get your husband to hook up with me." I look at her and say "I doubt that." She steps closer and says "Honey, I'm prettier than you and skinnier than you. I doubt it would take much to get your husband to let me ride that dick." she says. "You're best bet right now is to walk the fuck away." She smirks and asks "What are you gonna do?" I take a step closer, getting nose to nose and say "I will cut your goddamn tits off before slitting your fucking throat." I tell her. "You just fucked up." she tells me as she backs off.

Ten minutes later, my boss walks over and says "I just heard a recording of you threatening Jamie. Hannah, we can't have that. You need to apologize to her right now." she tells me. "I'm not doing that." I tell her. "If you don't, I'll have to fire you. You know her father is one of the big bosses." she says. "I'm not apologizing to her." I tell my boss. Looking at me with sympathy, she says "Then clear out your desk and I'll have to escort you out of the building." she tells me. I look at her shocked and then do what she says. As she walks me out she says "I'm sorry Hannah. I wish I could say things like that to her but I have to have my job." she says. "It's fine." I say as I walk out the door and to my car.

Pulling up at the house, I see Juice's bike here. I walk into the house and he's sitting on the couch, eating a sandwich. "Hey baby. What are you doing home?" he asks. I don't say anything. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of Jack and head out to the back deck. He follows me out and sits next to me. "Talk to me babe." I take a long pull from the bottle and say "I got fired." He looks at me shocked and asks "What happened?" I take another long pull before speaking again. "Bitch at work, her dad's one of the main bosses. She heard me telling my boss that I needed my name changed and about us getting married. She came up telling me that she heard I married a SON and asking me if you all pass me around and then started talking about she had no doubt that she could come to a party and it wouldn't take long for you to let her ride your dick telling me that she's prettier than me and skinnier than me." I tell him. "How did that get you fired?" he asks. "That didn't. What got me fired was telling her that I would cut off her tits and slit her fucking throat." I say and he looks at me with a proud look in his eyes and says "Well, just stay home for a while. Maybe figure out something to do for you and let me handle shit for a while." he says. "Juice..." I start and he says "I got it." I look at him and before I can speak, he says "I'm sure baby. Let me handle things." I nod and lean into his side when he puts his arm around me. "You know I won't cheat on you." he says. I look up at him and say "I know. Trust me. You've made sure there's no doubt in my mind." I tell him smiling softly. Kissing me softly he says "I love you baby." I lay my head on his shoulder and say "I love you."

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