Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Juice tells the guys about the shit that Lucas used to say to me, about us running into him the day before and how it's all affecting me. "What do you know about him?" Jax asks. "After Hannah finally fell asleep last night, I started hacking into everything I could find. I have his address and where he works. Even his work schedule." he tells them. "Good. What about Hannah? We need to keep her distracted. Tell her that we are going out to handle something for the club." Jax says. "I'm telling her what we're doing. I don't keep anything from my Old Lady but Lyla is going to take her to lunch to keep her distracted." Juice says. "Good. Let's get this fucker. Remember, this one is Juicy Boy's." They all agree and walk out of chapel.

Juice walks up to me and asks "Can we talk?" I nod and follow him to his dorm. Locking the door behind us, he says "We're going after Lucas." I look at him shocked. "After you fell asleep last night, I hacked into everything I could to find his info. He's off work today and so we are going to take him from his house and I am going to kill him." he tells me. "If you aren't okay with that I'll figure something else out." he tells me. "I'm okay with it but you can't take him from his house." I tell him. "Why not?" he asks. "He has a roommate. Guy works from home and is always there. Let me call him and draw him out." I tell him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yeah." I tell him. "Okay. But when we leave, Lyla is taking you to lunch to keep you distracted while we're taking care of shit." he tells me and I nod. Kissing me softly, I take my phone and call Lucas. "Well well, Hannah. What can I do for you?" he asks smugly. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?" I ask. "You miss me?" he asks. "Maybe." I say and cringe. "You remember the old cabin I used to take you to?" he asks. "Yeah." I say. "Meet me there. Six. Key is still on top of the door frame." he says. "See you then." I tell him. I write down the directions for Juice and we walk out to the main room. He walks over to Jax and hands him the directions and tells him I called to set up the meet. Jax looks at me and nods.

A little later, the guys head out and Lyla and I go to get something to eat. Sitting in the diner, I look at the food in front of me. "Are you okay?" she asks. I look up at her and say "Juice said he wanted to give me his crow and marry me." I tell her. "That's great baby." she tells me but I don't say anything. "You don't want that?" she asks. "It's not that. I would love it but I just can't get my head right and it's not fair that Juice has to deal with all my bull shit." I tell her. "Honey, he's not dealing with your bull shit. He's making sure his Old Lady is happy. I promise he doesn't see things like you do when it comes to this. You're everything to him. We all see it." she tells me and I look at her and smile softly. "He's everything to me too." I tell her and she smiles.

At the cabin, the guys get the key and go inside. At six on the dot, the door opens and they hear "Hannah? Where the fuck are you?" before Juice steps into view. "What are you doing here? Where's Hannah?" Lucas asks. "Don't matter where Hannah is. You're here to meet with me." Juice says and Lucas' eyes go wide. Happy and Tig grab him and tie him to a chair. "You told my Old Lady she was fat and worthless and, well, that doesn't sit well with me. See, I don't like seeing my Old Lady upset and I can't ask her to marry me until after I get all of that shit out of her head that you planted there. So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to kill you. Then I'm going home to my Old Lady and I'm going to ask her to marry me. Then I'm giving her the life she deserves and you won't even cross her mind." Juice says before stepping back and emptying his clip in Lucas' chest. After disposing of the body, Happy walks over and says "Proud of you brother." before Jax tells him. "You serious about marrying her and shit?" Jax asks. "Hell yeah. Marriage, crow, kids, all of it." Juice says and Jax pats his shoulder and says "Go see your Old Lady."

I am sitting in the clubhouse with Lyla when Juice walks in. He walks over and picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to his dorm. Locking the door, he pulls me to the bathroom and we start the shower. Stepping inside, he pins me to the wall and says "It's done." I look at him and relief flashes across my face. I kiss him deeply and he picks me up and enters me roughly. Once we both reach our release, he whispers against my lips "Marry me." I look at him shocked and he says it again. "Marry me Hannah. Marry me and let me give you my crow and all the babies you want." he says and I feel the tears start to fall as I nod my head yes. Kissing me deeply, I kiss him back just as passionately knowing that my life is only going to get better from here.

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