Chapter 54

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The loud music makes the floor vibrate and the walls shake from the bass. Occasional cheering erupts around the room each time one of the boys score. The thing is, it's not even a real basketball game. They're playing the play station like they're actually on the court, shouting at each other and hyping one another up. Talia rolls her eyes from her spot on the couch, her legs are in Ty's lap as she occupies herself on her phone.

Ty told her to come over if she wanted to, he failed to mention that Malcolm and Shaun are already here engaged in an intense game of 2K. She sighs and looks over at the tv where the virtual basketball players run up and down the court.

"Aye, get this one! Get this one!" Ty exclaims, his fingers flying across the controller.

"Oooh eat that boy!" Shaun shouts, leaning dangerously close to the edge of his seat.

Malcolm is the calmest out of all of them but his eyes are trained on the tv and his eyebrows are scrunched together. Talia locks her phone and sets it down, bored with opening and closing the same three apps over and over. She looks at Ty's profile but he's so into the game he doesn't feel her heavy stare. She slowly raises her foot until it comes into his line of vision and he jerks his head back. Giggling, she does it again and this time he slaps her ankle away. He gives her a quick glance before going back to his game. Once more, Talia smiles and raises her foot in his face.

"Chill bae," Ty says moving her foot.

"But Tyyy," She says wiggling her foot around near his face. He ignores her and she frowns before flexing her big toe an poking him in the cheek.

"That's it," Ty pauses the game and sets the controller delicately on the coffee table. He stands up, making Talia's legs slide off his lap and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She laughs and kicks her legs trying to get him to let her go, but it's to no avail.

The door squeaks open and Talia feels cold air on her back. A moment later, Ty leans over and places her on her bare feet on the freezing cold steps. She looks up at him confused and crosses her arms over her chest, trying to keep warm. Ty stands in the doorway, blocking her entry in. "Just cuz you can't chill ima make your ass freeze." He says.

Talia laughs, "Are you mad or---" she's cut off by the door closing in her face. She jiggles the doorknob but its locked. "Ty open the door." She waits but he never answers. "TYRELL HARRIS, OPEN THE DOOR IM FREEZING!" Her fist pound against the door repeatedly but it never opens. Inside, she can hear the boys hooting and hollering about the game.

A cold wind blows and Talia closes her eyes to keep them from watering. The wind stings her cheeks and nose and makes her fingers go numb. Her feet are so cold she's sure she's going to get hypothermia. She bangs on the door a few more times before giving up and using her wavy hair as a scarf.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway makes her turn around and see their mom pulling up. She kills the engine and a few moments later hops out and makes her way up the walkway. "Talia? What are you doing out here? Aren't you cold?"

"Your son put me out for interrupting their game." Talia shivers, trying to keep her teeth from chattering.

Christine shakes her head, "That boy," she mutters pulling out her keys. "Oh I know they don't have the music that loud, wait till I get inside."

As soon as the door is open, Christine pushes Talia inside for some warmth. She shuts the door and locks it, the boys don't even acknowledge her presence. Walking over to the tv, she puts her hands on her hips and stares at them.

"Wassup mama,"

"Hey ma,"

"Hi second mommy."

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