Chapter 38

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By the time Dr.Mahumi has walked in along with Jamie's parents, a half hour has gone by. Dr.Mahumi looks flustered like she's been caught in the cross fire of Sasha and Mr.Daniels argument. She sets her clipboard down on the table and checks the time. "Alright Jamie, we're gonna give you some medicine to help with your coughing. Ok?"

Jamie nods from her spot besides Sevyn. Her teddy bear rests in her lap and she fiddles with the bow around its neck. Sasha turns up her mouth at Sevyn. "Why are you here? This is a family issue."

"Jamie asked for me to come here." Sevyn tells her calmly.

"Well these cheap gifts aren't going to make the flu go away." Sasha scowls, slapping the balloon so that it bobs in the air. Sevyn was raised to respect her elders but Sasha is one breath away from feeling the rath threatening to pour from Sevyn's mouth.

Mr. Daniels gives Sasha a disapproving look and walks over to Jamie, softly tousling her hair. "I'm sorry you got sick like this baby girl." He tells her.

Jamie looks up at him with watery red eyes, "Can I go home with you?" She asks.

He's about to respond when Sasha quickly buts in. "No you can't go home with him. It's a weekday honey, you know better than to ask that."

Jamie lets out a whine, "I don't want to go home with her and Robert." She cries, tears filling her eyes.

"Who's Robert?" Her dad asks.

"Some random dude that Sasha has sleeping over her house." Jackson replies. "From what she told me he sounds grimy."

Mr.Daniels glares at Sasha, "You have random men around my daughter?" He asks.

"That doesn't concern you." Sasha replies crossing her arms and pursing her lips. "My personal life is nobody's business but mine. I have no reason to answer to you." Dr.Mahumi clears her throat, sensing the tension in the room. She pours cough medicine onto a plastic spoon and serves it to Jamie, who makes a face and swallows the thick purple liquid down. She grabs her apple juice to wash the taste out her mouth.

Dr.Mahumi puts the medicine on the nightstand and writes on her clipboard. "I suggest Jamie stays over night so we can monitor her. She should be able to leave tomorrow."

"Alright," Mr.Daniels says. Sasha just rolls her eyes.

"I'll come back to check on you soon. Press the red button if you need anything." Dr.Mahumi tells Jamie, then brushes past Sasha on her way out the door.

As soon as she's gone, Sasha sucks her teeth. "You know how expensive ambulance rides and hospital visits are? I hope that child support check at the end of the month covers the medical bill."

Mr.Daniels eyes blaze as he looks at her, "I've had it with you Sasha. I am sick and tired of hearing you bash your own daughter like this is all her fault. You're attitude is really pissing me off and you're real close to seeing me explode. Most of all, I'm tired of Jamie crying to me about something you did to her. You're constantly putting her in danger and its clear that she's unhappy with you. You don't care about her at all."

Sasha raises an eyebrow, "And what are you going to do about that? Stop paying child support or something?"

"No," Mr.Daniels growls. "I'm taking you to court. I want full custody."

Jackson's ears perk up at his fathers words. Sevyn watches as a bit of hope ignites in Jamie's eyes.

"Good luck with that, we're moving next month." Sasha tells him smugly.

"Not after the report that I fill out. You're gonna have to postpone your trip cuz I'm not letting you leave with my daughter, who knows what kind of craziness you'll let happen to her." Mr.Daniels scoffs.

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