Chapter 23

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Nothing interesting happened on Thursday. The only thing Sevyn noticed was that she hasn't seen Corey all day and her brothers confirmed that he wasn't in school. Corey never misses a day so it's weird not seeing him. She figures that he's probably just embarrassed about crazy Rachel causing a scene yesterday and decided to take a day off. She doesn't blame him, everyone needs a break now and then. Something else she noticed is the tension at their table. Between Shaun and Malcolm, and between Shaun and Ty. Sevyn often catches Shaun roll his eyes every time Ty speaks or Talia says something. He's been unusually quiet and its actually scary to see him acting so weird. But just like Ty, Shaun doesn't like expressing his feelings.

"Is it just me or do things seem kinda off today?" Monica asks Sevyn while they eat lunch.

"Ok so it's not just me sensing the awkwardness?" Sevyn asks and Monica shakes her head. With Corey gone Shaun mostly talks to Malcolm while Ty and Talia laugh at something on his phone.

Sevyn on the other hand has been anticipating the end of the day so she can get this doctors appointment over with. She woke up this morning with a nervous pain in her stomach knowing that today's the day she goes to see Dr. Gray and she already knows how everything is going to play out. She's gonna sit on a reclined chair in a bland looking room and tell the Doctor all about how she's lost her mind. Then the doctor is going to tell her that she can fight her struggles if she believes in herself and so on.

Even though she plays the scene out in her head she's still nervous about the appointment after school. What if Doctor Gray confirms that she's messed up in the head and has to go to some rehabilitation center or something. Sevyn stomach tightens at the thought of being away from her friends and family, locked up in a padded room with a straight jacket on.

Monica smacks her in the back of the head and she winces. "Ouch, what the hell?" Sevyn snaps, slapping her in the arm.

"You were doing it again." Monica tells her.

"Doing what?"

"Thinking negatively. I could tell by the look on your face." She says, giving Sevyn that look daring her to deny the claim. Sevyn gives a small smile at how well Monica knows her. Monica lets out a soft sigh, "Stop over analyzing everything. You'll be fine."

Sevyn doesn't bother arguing with Monica because she usually doesn't win any way so there's no point. Monica has a way with words that could make the most educated person be at a lost for words. She also enjoys having the last word so to argue with her is just pure entertainment for her.

Sevyn looks around the cafeteria to stop herself from getting lost in her thoughts again. She spots Carson talking to some girls from the dance team, that mischievous smile is on her face meaning she probably just found some gossip. She sees Aubrey and Keenan taking turns writing something down in a notebook, occasionally laughing with each other. Then she sees Jackson. Surrounded by some members of the basketball team and a small group of about 6 girls. A bit of jealousy bubbles in her chest at the way they're gazing at him like he's their next meal and all he seems to be doing is entertaining them by flashing that charming smile he used to use on her.

"Do you think people have realized Jackson and I have broken up?" Sevyn asks Monica even though she knows the answer.

"Are you kidding?" Shaun answers instead. "I'm pretty sure the whole grade knows by now. Y'all don't talk, sit by each other, hold hands, hug or even acknowledge each other anymore. I think the whole school got the hint that y'all are finito." Malcolm punches him in the arm and gives him a blank look. He frowns and rubs his arm, "Ow, I'm just saying."

Sevyn frowns and glances at Jackson again who playfully snatches a girls phone out her hand and holds it behind his back. She weakily hits his chest and pretends to be mad even though the dimple in her cheek says other wise. Jackson sticks out his tongue and the girl pinches it making their friends laugh as he finally gives back the phone.

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