Chapter 36

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Jealousy is something Ty never thought he would experience. He never hates on people doing better than him cuz he knows he'll get there one day. And he doesn't get jealous when his boys get the new Jordan's cuz he knows he'll get the next pair that comes out. Jealousy has never been a part of his life style...until this very moment.

Talia is enjoying the single life more than he is and that's never happened before. It's usually him walking around with that idgaf type attitude and living the happy and free single life. But he's been feeling like crap honestly while Talia walks around smiling and bubbly like she has no care in the world. Plus boys are practically following her on their hands and knees trying to get a taste of what Ty doesn't have anymore.

Not to mention that she's naturally pretty with her long wavy hair, caramel colored skin, those innocent eyes that get her whatever she pleases and that killer body with the small frame but curves in all the right places. Then that cute smile is what brings it all together. Never before has Ty ever felt jealousy take over his body so powerfully.

Right now she's standing outside the cafeteria with her back against the wall, smiling at whatever Brian Walker is saying to her. She giggles and tilts her head down, causing a strand of her honey brown hair to fall in front of her face. Ty's blood boils as he watches Brian gently move the hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. His fingers slide down her face and hover under her chin. Ty can't take it anymore, he charges towards them like a raging bull.

"Aye, don't touch her like that." He growls, stepping between them.

Brian's eyes narrow and he raises an eyebrow, his lips quirk into a half smirk. "And what are you gonna about it? Last I heard you're broken up."

"We are," Talia says trying to move from behind him but he blockers her path.

"Just back up off her before my fist meets your face." Ty growls.

Brian remains unaffected, he actually laughs a little. "Hit me up when you're guard dog aint around Talia." He says looking over Ty's shoulder at her. She smiles and nods. "See you later."

Ty burns holes in his back as Brian walks away into the cafeteria. When he's gone he turns to find Talia glaring up at him. "You don't own me."

"I know, I just didnt want him in your face like that." He replies, feeling his soft spot for Talia coming back.

She gives him a smug smile, "Are you jealous? Cuz you should be. This could have been all yours but you let it slip through your finger tips. So don't act like we're still together just cuz you're scared of some nigga taking your place."

Ty looks at her confused, "Where is all this coming from? I know you're mad but damn."

"Yeah, now you see how it feels." Talia responds. She steps around him and walks into cafeteria hoping to lose him in the crowd but as soon as she steps through the door he grabs her wrist to stop her. She whirls around, her light brown eyes blazing. "What do you want?" She snaps, snatching her wrist away from him. He feels her cold gaze slice through him almost painfully.

"I messed up Talia and I'm sorry." Ty says softly.

Talia chuckles dryly, "Congratulations you have feelings." Sarcasm drips from her voice as she starts walking away again, but Ty grabs her around the waist to stop her.

"Talia you were right ok? I have trouble expressing my feelings and I'm sorry for saying what I did. But let me--"

"No Ty, because you didnt let me explain so I'm not giving you that chance either." She says pushing his hands off her hips and turning to walk away, but Monica and Sevyn block her path.

They Don't Know (BOOK TWO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora