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BTW if you're not in the Percy Jackson fandom you'll be confused.

So you got the twins? -JM

Yup -SM

Sophie's looking after them? -JM

Yup? -SM

Ooh Molly just got home! Here comes the fun! -JM

Huh -SM

Oh this is boring. Molly's having a panic attack and texting with Sherlock. Lame. -JM

Huh -SM

Are you alright Sebby? -JM

Yup -SM

What's wrong? -JM

Oh nothing... -SM

What is it? -JM

Oh just a book series I love... -SM

What? -JM

The final book is being realesed next month... -SM

Which? -JM

Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus... -SM

........ -JM

No... -JM

Oh My... -JM

No it can't be.... -JM

It's September. It's 2014... -JM

Oh My God Sebby. Oh. My. God. -JM

I know... -SM

It's just... -JM

Ending -SM

Wow. -JM

You guys read this stuff? It's good but it's also teen fiction -SEMM

Get out of here! -JM

*SEMM has been blocked*

Wow. It feels like it's been forever since the lightning Theif. -SM

Five Percy Jackson Books. Two terrible film adaptations and one more to come. Four Heros of Olympus and one more... final book -JM

Blood Of Olympus -SM


Shit -JM

And you know, oath to keep with a final breath... -SM

I hate you -JM

But you know that line? Maybe Percy goes to live under water with Annabeth so it's there final breath cause they're underwater -SM

Dear Lord -JM

You've saved us all -JM

You're welcome -SM

Thank you. Bless you -JM

But it does rip off HP a bit -SM

Yeah... -JM

Harry Potter Marathon? -SM

Yeah... -JM

Can I come? -SEMM

I hate you -SM

No you don't -SEMM

Fine -JM

Sorry about that I'm just really emotional right now because I'm childhood is ending and Percy Jackson is ending. And Sophie you know why it's extra special to me.

LOL, BRB, OMG, OTP : texts my Sherlock shipsWhere stories live. Discover now