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Molly, I'm going to Dublin -SH

Dublin, why? How long? When? -MH

Case, I'm leaving right now. Mycroft thinks two weeks -SH

 Two weeks? But I needed to tell you something -MH

Just tell me now -SH

It'd be better if I told you face to face -MH

So it can't be that important then -SH

It is but... -MH

Then what is it? -SH

I'm -MH

Yes? -SH

I'm pregnant -MH

... -SH

Sherlock? -MH

... -SH

Sherlock are you alright? -MH 

... -SH

Molly -SH

Yes? -MH

Your pregnant -SH

Yes -MH

You're sure? -SH

Pretty sure -MH

And -SH

Yes? -MH

So I'm going to be a father? -SH

 Yes -MH

Oh my god -SH

Are you aright Sherlock? -MH

No -SH

Ok, um deep breaths and um, I don't know, yoga? -MH

Screw Mycroft, I'm coming home -SH

Are you sure? This case sounds like it might be important -MH

Just a potential assassination on the prime minister, you're more important though -SH

 What? A potential... are you sure it's not important? -MH

No. I'm coming home, I need to make sure you're alright -SH

Sherlock I'm fine, really -MH

Mycroft's not letting me leave. There are guards at the exit.  -SH

Now one's coming at me with a black bag -SH

Ugh Sherlock... -MH

Sherlock are you alright? -MH

Sherlock? -MH

Sorry, Miss Hooper, this is Mycroft. Your husband is... indisposed at the moment -SH

Are you -MH

Are you kidnapping my husband?!?! -MH

Kidnapping is a strong word -SH

OMG Mycroft seriously? -MH

Goodbye Miss Hooper -SH

Mycroft! -MH

You two -MH

Honestly -MH

It's ridiculous -MH

Sorry Molly, he kidnapped me -SH

Sherlock! Are you alright? -MH

Fine, what about you? -SH

I'm going to hang out with Mary, Sherlock, please be home soon -MH

I'll do it as fast as I can -SH

So -MH

So what? -SH

There's a human growing inside me -MH

Right -SH

That -SH

So -MH

So -SH

Do you want it to be a girl or boy? -MH

Girl, you? -SH

Boy, but I don't care that much -MH

So, um... -SH

Yes? -MH

I'm going to be a father -SH

Yup -MH

We're going to be a family? -SH

Yes, Sherlock, we are -MH

What should we name, erm, our child? -SH

Girl name's? I like Willow, or maybe Lily, what about you? -MH

Maybe Casidhe, it means clever in Gaelic or Cassiopeia. What about boy names? -SH

I don't know, maybe Liam or August? Maybe Leo? What about you? -MH

I personally like Benedict, or maybe Ezra? -SH

Those are good to -MH

Do you think Baker Street will be big enough? -SH

It'll be fine Sherlock -MH

Your sure? -SH

How is it you are freaking out more then me? -MH

I don't know. I'm not used to so many emotions -SH

No you aren't I suppose -MH

I've got to go Molly, but I'll be back as soon as possible -SH

Ok, be back soon! -MH


Ok everyone, I need some help! I want you to comment your favorite girl and boy names! Recap! Girl names: Willow, Lily, Casidhe and Cassiopeia. Boy name's: Liam, August, Leo, Benedict ;) and Ezra. If you have any middle name ideas or other name ideas comment them! I really need your help! I will dedicate a chapter to the first couple people!

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