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1. Have fun. This role play was made with the intention that you enjoy your time here. :)

2. Don't kill other role players without permission. Message someone to see if you can wound or kill one of their characters.

3. You can have up to three characters at a time. Make sure you fill out a form for each of your characters and can keep track of them. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

4. No bullying or harassing others. People came here to have fun, not to be made fun of. [{Password: >:3c}] Hate the character, not the role player.

5. No teleporting from island to island. It takes time to make it to a different island.

6. Cussing should be kept to a minimum and censored. F*ck, $#!+, and batch are all examples of acceptable censorship.

7. Any sexual activity must be done in private messaging. Pregnancies must last for an appropriate amount of time for your species.

8. Write in complete sentences. Try to be descriptive. Put "hehe" somewhere on your form before commenting it. "Hehe" is another password.

You get two chances. If you violate the rules once, you will get a warning. Twice, and you will be kicked out of the role play.

If these rules are updated, I will tell you in the latest chapter of the role play.

Rebuilding Role Play (Animals + Natural Disaster)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora