*REQUEST* Peter B. Parker x Female! Bitten! Reader: You!?

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Hiya! My very first requested story was requested by VidelSonUchiha thank you so much! I hope you enjoy, and please forgive typos!

Warning: mentions of sex/slight profanities

3rd Person POV:

Peter briskly entered the Daily Bugle building, standing silent on the elevator, and passed every worker without a word. This was normal, considering no one ever talked to anyone but the editors. Peter, however, was extremely adamant on speaking to a specific woman in the facility.

Peter wore a fake smile as he approached his editor, Jade Jonah Jameson, or " Triple J," and also, "J," as were her common, yet despised, nicknames. "Parker!" She barked, her short, frilly hair lightly swaying as she stood from her desk.

J was quite the work of art. Short, ruffly, graying hair and stormy silver-blue eyes. Yes, she was old, but any guy would still test their luck. That is, until they meet the real her. A hag. No, wrong word. A beast, a witch, a demon? No. A Jade Jonah Jameson. That was the only way to describe her. She was brutal and strict, and accepted you if you had proper work ethic. Thankfully, Peter was fairly in the green on the J-ometer.

"Do you have those pictures, boy?" Peter nodded, handing her a yellow folder full of action packed pictures of himself. Spiderman. She let out a hearty laugh and pat the man on the shoulder.

"Parker, you and your photographic skills. Your paycheck is going to " She spaced for a moment before shooting up, as if eager for something. Peter's stomach churned as he prayed his paycheck wouldn't be split with her again.

"I hope so. In fact, I don't think we will even see Miss L/N today-" That's where he stopped.

The beautiful photographer stumbled in with an excited look on her youthful face. Pete's oxygen left his body in a flash. "Mrs. Jameson, I'm so sorry I'm late!" She panted, trying to catch her breath. "I was just on my way to your office when Spiderwoman swung by, and I just had to get a shot. For extra credit!" She flashed a mischievous grin to Peter, who would have ripped her folder in half of he could.

"I'll be damned, are you serious, L/N?" Peter stared, dumbfounded, as J rushed to Y/N and gave her a tight hug before seizing her yellow folder.

"Ah, yes! Now I can chastise both menaces!" Both Peter and Y/ N seemed strangely disheartened by her response. J began to work frantically at her desk, unaware of the two photographers silently bickering at one another. Throwing hand signs, shooting glares, and making each other flinch like children. The two finally stopped as J addressed them.

"Okay, first, for Peter Benjamin Parker," Peter was chagrined when he opened the small envelope to find a $50 check addressed to him.

"And next, Y/N L/N," A delighted expression crossed her face as she opened the envelope to find a $150 check addressed to her.

"Alright," she waved her hand in a dismissive motion. "You two can go now. Be sure to have more by tomorrow." And the two left the office.

On the way out of the building, Peter yanked Y/N but the shoulder into the nearest private location; the inside of a janitorial closet was suitable enough.

"What the hell, Parker?" Y/N held her shoulder protectively. "Is rather not get down in a dirty closet with someone I despise, thank you." Peter's face went red as he scolded himself for dragging her there.

"That is not why I brought you here! I brought you here to ask you: Why can't you just find hope own editor?"

"J is one of the best editors in Manhattan. I got lucky, and I'm not going to pass that up," Y/N scowled, her face inches from his. They both backed up defensively when they realized their contact.

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