Peter Parker x Male! Super! Reader: Trainee

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Y/N: Your name

WARNING: This is original Spiderman Peter Parker, not alternate Peter B. Parker. Also, I took the liberty of giving you all a superpower of my choice, I apologize if you don't like it.

3rd Person POV:

Peter, fresh out of a fight, stood  exhausted, wrapped in a crowd of New York citizens. Reporters were shouting, trying their best to find out everything they could about the mysterious hero.

"Spiderman, do you share any personal relations with the villain known as Doctor Octopus?"

"Nope. Just an old villain." He said.

"Spiderman, you have yet to actually take Doctor Octopus into custody. Would you consider every encounter you have with him a victory or simply a 'one up'?"

"As long as Doc Oc doesn't destroy the city—or whatever—I take the battle as a victory well deserved." Peter shrugged

"Spiderman, will you ever reveal your identity with the public? And if not, is there currently anyone who may know your identity already?"

"What? No and no." Peter excused himself from the crowd and swung away without another word.

That night

Peter sat alone on the rooftop of an old apartment building. He sat there, mask off, thinking to himself. Being a superhero is hard. Peter has already thought this before, even though he has fought villains for  five years. Every time he puts it away in the back of his mind, it reappears stronger the next time.  The thought alone is making him weaker, more tired, less determined to save those who need saving. There are plenty of superheroes out there, right?

Just then, Peter's spider-sense kicked in. He turned to see a ball of fire rushing towards him at insane speeds. Not only was it a ball of fire, but a screaming ball of fire.

"What the-"

"HELP ME!!!!" The frightened scream of a man emitted from the ball.

Peter strung web from one end of the roof to the other, creating a sort of trampoline or cushion to brace the man upon impact. And, as expected, the ball of fire was slowed greatly upon impact, but unexpectedly ripped through the layers of web and crashed hard into the concrete.

Peter ran over to his weakened body, less ignited than it was before. "Are you okay?"

The man, with dimly lit hair and flame in his eyes, stood up in a dizzy manner, taking the hero's hand.

"Yeah, yeah I am. T-thank you, ma-" He gained his balance and gasped. He started hopping around, hands over his mouth.

"Uh, are you still okay?" Peter stood confused.

"You're Spiderman! The Spiderman! Wait- Peter Parker is Spiderman!? Peter Parker is the Spiderman!" He continued to cheer as Peter, dumbfounded, realized his mask was still off.

"I-I no..." Peter nervously chuckled. "I'm not Peter Parker, I don't even know a Peter!"

"You're the guy who works as head photographer for the Daily Bugle," He awed. "The one who normally catches perfect pictures of Spiderman."

"Ok, ok, yes! Please, keep it down." Peter hushed him.

The fiery hero took a moment to calm himself down. "Ok, hi," he sighed. "My name is Y/N, and I'm a hero like you! Except, you know, I burn anything I touch without the help of these gloves." She motioned to the gloves encompassing her hands.

"Well, you already know me-"

"Oh no, no, no, no!" He cried out all of the sudden. "Fury is going to kill me! I'm gonna kicked from S.H.I.E.L.D. and I- ugh!" He slumped criss-crossed on the ground, sulking in sadness, his flames dimming further.

"Um, Y/N, is that healthy?" He placed a hand on his slightly warm shoulder.

"I-I don't know," He sniffled, tears of lava threatening to leak from his eyes. "I was supposed to be training. Instead,when I saw a bad guy, I thought I could fight them. I overheated and blew into the sky. Now I'm here and have no home!" He sobbed.

It hurt Peter to see him cry, it melted holes in his heart just like his tears melted holes in the ground below. "Hey, Y/N," He soothed him. "Maybe, if you resign and stick with me for a little while, you could have enough training to rejoin S.H.I.E.L.D."

He looked up at him, stars in his eyes. "You'd do that for me?"

"Sure!" Peter playfully nudged his shoulder, "You'd make an adorable sidekick." What Y/N didn't know is that he actually meant it.

"Thank you so much, Peter! I could just-" He leapt up and kissed his cheek, leaving them both a red mess.

"I-I am so, so sorry, Peter. It won't happen again I swear," He nervously pleaded.

"It's uh..." He stood dazed, running his fingers delicately along his cheek. "It's fine, Y/N, it actually felt kind of nice, since I've never really been kissed by a guy before."

"WHAT!?" Y/N didn't believe his pitifully truthful words. "No way! Spiderman is a liar! Liar, liar, pants on fire!" And she accidentally lit his pantaloons on fire.

The rest of the evening was pretty eventful. Peter had to go back to his aunt May's to get a change of clothes since his suit burnt down to his polka dot boxers. Then the two accidentally fell into the ocean, harming Y/N the worst. Then they had cravings for ice cream, and the twenty-four hour store was a lie! In th end, the two had a tremendous time, and so began the making out a new hero as well as a new relationship.

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