Peter B. Parker X Male! Bitten! Defiant! Reader: You Cant Tell Me What To Do

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Hey! So, this is about you being apart of the group looking to find their way home. In short, you don't take orders from anyone.

Warning: Profanity up ahead. And an intsy-wincy bit of suggestive themes. Wink wonk.

1st Person POV:

I hate Peter B. Parker. No- I dislike him with a passion. Hate is such a strong word, and I only use it if I mean it.

Oh, hell. I mean it.

I'm from another dimension. I mean, another, another, another, another, another, another dimension. I'm from a dimension that has been dragged to Hell, and the only way to survive is to fend for yourself in a pit of horrid mutant amalgamation, like me. I don't help others, I take too many risks, use my powers for mischief and survival rather than good, and, most of all, I do not let anyone tell me what to do.

"Listen, Y/N, the only way to get us all out of here is to work together," Miles tried to convince me.

"Yeah? Well," I moved towards the window, my dark cloak blowing slightly behind me. "I'm not all of us, am I?"

Noir held Penny in his arms, "You're telling us that you'd let a whole group of people, including a woman and child die just to save yourself?" He fumed.

"That's how life is, old man."

"Y/N, you need to turn around, now," Peter said, sternly, staring at the back of my head.

"Oh! Look who it is. Peter Benjamin Parker, bossing me around once again, just like he always does!" I growled. "And why does sad little Peter boss people around like slaves? He feels the need to boss them around because he feels worthless without power over someone else. He lost his wife, his job, his house, hell, he lost his body to the clutches of the life set out for him. And what does he do? He puts a leash on any fresh adult who supposedly doesn't know how to take hold of their life and says, 'Oh, hey! I can teach you the ropes, you just have to be my bitch!' And I am sick of it, Parker!"

"That's not true-" he shouted.

"Oh, but it is! You see, you'd still be a reckless hobo on the streets of it wasn't for Miles. Without Miles, you'd probably be in custody of the police! And I am surprised he didn't just leave you to rot. He fell for your man trap and now you have a new toy!"

"That is not true, Y/N! Think about what you're saying!"

"I know plenty well what I'm saying, Peter. I've made my argument, and you haven't done a single thing to shut me up!" I turned around again. "Now, if you assholes will excuse me, I have a collider to catch," I jumped out of the window, full speed. I heard Peter shout to the others to stay put, and I knew I was being followed.

"Y/N stop! We can talk about this!" Peter shouted from below.

"You can't tell me what to do, Peter!" I swung from building to building, my cloak flowing behind me as I did so.

"Don't make me have to force you to stop," he growled in frustration.

"Try me!" Peter chased me down alleyways and across rooftops. He chased me on city streets and in dark roads. "Just give up, Peter!"

"Not until you listen to me!" He was still a ways away, and we were on top of the highest buildings in the city. Peter's last resort? Web sling my cloak.

Peter planted two feet on the roof and pulled,  causing me to stumble. I reached for the nearest thing possible (a metal flag pole) and clung to it with all my strength.

Peter was stronger.

He heaved and heaved, each of my fingers plucking from the pole. I only had two options; one being to let him take me and probably the me up and gag me; two being to unpin my cloak and let him see the abomination that came from my universe. Personally, I would rather chose number two.

I released the cloak wrapped around my neck, sending it straight for his face. Before he could see me, I ran, ducking behind the next building. I kept running, making turn after turn, never wanting to stop. It was the dead of night by the time I caught my breath.

"Phew, Jesus Peter," I sighed, exhausted. "You sure put up a-" I cut myself short as my spider sense kicked in. I had been so exhausted that I couldn't tell from what direction. I spun around, watching all directions, seeing nothing. Eventually, I just shook it off, and continued to catch my breath.

Boy, was that a mistake.

A strong, larger figure tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms to the concrete roof.

"Gotcha!" He chuckled, tired. "What're ya gonna do now, handsome?"

Before, I mention the word amalgamation. Do you know what that word means? To put it simply, a sort of monster. Being bitten didn't only transform me inside, but outside as well. What Peter still had yet to realize is that I had four extra arms at my disposal. He only had two.

I was quick with my moves. I punched Peter square across a the face and tossed him off, leaving him disoriented. I stood, rubbing my sore wrists as I made a run for it. Sadly, my freedom didn't last to long before I felt webbing around my ankles, and I tripped off the edge of the highest buildings in the city. Did I fall to my death? Absolutely not.

I felt strong hands on my back and side as Peter stopped me from falling. "Could you please stop trying to kill yourself, Y/N?" Peter's face changed from annoyance and pride to bewilderment. "And where did Goro come from?" Get the reference and bam, you have earned an imaginary crisp high five. Get that reference and I promote you to legend. 😎

"Peter, let me go!" I screamed at him, just then realizing the bruise forming in his face.

"Oh, you want me to drop you? I can certainly do that."

"Then why don't you? It's another problem disposed of."

"Well," he smirked, "I personally think you look sexier like this. And your attitude is way spicier while you're alive." He hinted towards my, ahem, slightly showy hero suit.

"Oh, ha ha, Peter Parker. You were the one who stole my cloak," I reached for the dark fabric in his hand, which he pulled away sharply.

"No, no, no," he wagged a finger a me. "You want it back, right?" I frowned sarcastically.

"No shit, sherlock."

"Okay," he smirked once again, his eyes concentrating on my lips. "Then kiss me."

For the oddest of reasons, nothing made me happier than to hear those words. I reached my six hands from his face to his arms, kissing him from passionate to heated. He ran his hands across my body as I trailed my fingers along his biceps, which hadn't actually faded away. By the time we parted, he had already pulled the two of us back into the roof, and he was on top of me.

"Hmm," he chuckled. "Guess who did what I told them to?" I ripped my cloak from his hands and slipped it on as fast as possible.

"Please, Parker. I wanted my cloak back." I started walking back towards Miles dorm, which was actually quite a few blocks away.

"Aw, come on, Y/N," Peter tugged on my cloak a bit. "You know you enjoyed that at least a bit. I've been told I'm a pretty good kisser."

"By who? May?" It took him a moment to register what I said, but after, he chased me in a more relaxed, playful manor back to the group.

"I'm going to catch you, Y/N!" He shouted.

I love Peter Parker. No- I like him with a passion. Love is such a strong word, and I only use it if I mean it.

Oh, hell. I mean it.

"Even then, you can't tell me what to do!"

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