Miles Morales x Male! Reader: Spiderman... In Training

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H/C: Hair color
H/L: Hair length
E/C: Eye color
Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
So, this is when Miles is like a college student still living with his parents, so don't mistake him for being a highschooler.

Miles' POV:

March 28, 2019,

My name is Miles Morales, otherwise known as the new spiderman. And today, man, it was awesome.

So, this morning I was just going to grab a bite to eat. You know, average morning, needing some bagels but having no bagels.

Anyway, I was just walking out with two boxes of fresh bagels when I hear a wave of screams. Not the happy omg-look-its-Justin-Bieber scream, but the scared of a giant monster kind.

Actually, there was this crazy mutant sandy guy who wore an ugly green striped sweater who was terrorizing part of NYC. I immediately dropped the poor, defenseless bagels, horrid, I know, and charged into action. I took off all but my suit and began swinging my way towards the heart of danger.

When I reached the bad guy, I spotted the hottest guy I had ever seen trapped in his clutches. He had H/C, H/L hair and smooth skin. To bad I was about to kick butt, or I would have totally talked to him.

I swung in from every angle. Pow! Whack! Slam! Beating up the villain people called the Sandman. Before anyone knew it, I had singlehandedly defeated the Sandman and saved the guy! Pretty awesome huh?

That's all for now. Miles Morales, out.

What really happened

3rd Person POV:

Miles parents asked him to pick up bagels from a local shop a few blocks down. He reluctantly said yes, trudging out the door in his suit, sweatpants and sweatshirt.

On the way to the shop, Miles muttered how boring his life was at the moment, having no crime to fight. Kicking pebbles or poking poles, he passed his time as he walked to the bagel shop.

Miles arrived at the shop, glum as ever, picked up two boxes of donuts and left the second after he paid more than he should have.

Miles was slight walking back home when he heard a piercing cry. Well, a symphony of piercing cries, actually. Less than a mile away, the boy spotted the Sandman, terrorizing the streets near the bagel shop.

People screamed in terror as cars were thrown and buildings were demolished. No had foreseen the total destruction the villain would cause. At first, Miles ran away. In a matter of moments, he realized, Oh, wait! I'm spiderman!

He hid in a nearby alleyway and removed his sweatpants and shirt, revealing his personally customized suit. Immediately after, he swung into action, heading straight into the battlefield.

Miles, at first, landed a few blows in the heart of the giant sand monster (since that's pretty much what sandman is and I couldn't think of a better weakness so). However, a young man happened to be in the humongous hands of the villain, and Miles came to a halt.

As Miles had said before, the man was handsome, with perfect hair and fair skin. so handsome, in fact, that he was dazed beyond his spider-sense, and was knocked about twenty feet into the air.

Miles stood back up with a grunt, trying his best to distract his mind from the man. However, there was no denying that was a task for him.

"Don't worry sir!" He panted, dodging an oncoming truck, "I-I'll save you!"

"Oh, really? I thought you were taking a nice stroll in the park," He paused, "NOT STOPPING A CRAZED VILLAIN FROM BURYING ME ALIVE!!!"

"Look, sir, I got it under control, o-" And that's when time almost stopped for him.

The man was ripped from the monsters grab by none other than the original Spiderman's old colleague: Ironman.

"Hey, kid! I got the boy, you get the big sand bucket. I'll help you out in a sec!" And he burst off to safety. Way to take the show, Tony, Miles thought, chagrined.

Miles fought the Sandman. Tony eventually swooped in and finished him off, but the man left behind was nowhere in sight. Crowds swarmed around them, either praising them or plaguing them with questions. They answered a couple, waved off others, and left to find the guy they saved.

They stopped at the alley that Tony dropped him in. He was still there, Catching his breath and cooling down.

"Hey, broseph," Tony joked, still in his suit.

"You okay?" Miles ran to him, helping him upright.

"You ok?"

"Yeah," He sighed (singing in Miles eyes) as he sent a glare towards Tony. "I'm fine. Tis but a flesh wound!" Miles chuckled at his joke.

"That's good." Tony grinned, invisible under his helmet.

They all stood in uncomfortable silence, the two boys in front of him and him facing the street. Moments passed before anyone spoke up.

"Well," Tony spoke, " We'd better-"

"FREEZE!" Tony and Miles ducked in fright as the man in front of them pulled out a tazor gun and aimed between their heads. They heard a small yelp and turned to see the sandman, in human form, paralyzed on the ground. The man broke between them and hung handcuffs on his wrists.

"You, my good friend," He grunted, hoisting his body on his shoulders, "Are under arrest."

Miles and Tony gaped at him in awe. "You're a cop?" Miles asked.

"Agent Y/N L/N, one of the few field specialists at the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

"FBI," Tony hummed, "Dangerous job."

"Yeah, what got you into the force?"

"That is my buisness, Spiderman." He smiled triumphantly at the hero in the making.

"You just called me Spiderman!" Miles felt happy with himself.

"Well, Spiderman..." He thought. "In training." Miles frowned, unbeknownst to the man in front of him.

"Have fun, kid." Was all Tony said before he blast off to who knows where.

"Well, uh, good job catching the guy." Miles tried to sound enthusiastic as they made it back to his car.

"Good job weakening the bad guy." He smiled, melting Miles to the floor.

"Couldn't have done it without you, officer."

"Please, call me Y/N."

Miles thought deep. He then made a choice. He may have almost regretted the choice, but he made it none the less.

"Listen, Y/N," He sighed. "I was wondering if I could maybe take you to dinner, sometime, a-as thanks, anyways." He rubbed his arm and looked to the side, waiting for an answer as Y/N stepped into his car.

"How can we go on a date of I don't even know who you are?" He inquired, making Miles blurt out something he never thought he would.

"W-well my name's Miles. Miles Morales." Y/N looked at him wide eyed as he face palmed. "That, was not supposed to happen. Please don't tell anybody!" He panicked.

"Well, Miles, I promise not to tell." He pulled out a pen and paper and started to write.

"Pick me up, or I'll pick you up Sunday at 7 sharp, and be sure to not dress as Spiderman." He joked, handing him a piece of paper with his address written in exceptional penmanship. All he could do was stare into his E/C eyes. "See you later, Miles." And he drove off.

Miles stood in a daze, a stupid grin plastered under his mask. He hollered with joy and swung back home.

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