the Killing Joke

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the screen opened to a hall of wacky Mirror and Ren who was dressed up as a bat was walking around, "let me ask you something?" said a voice over the intercomes, "wht does it matter if you send me back to the asylem, if it doesn't matter to me?" said the voice

"hold up is that Jaune talking?" Weiss asked "I think it is, but he sounds a bit more high piched" Yang said, "wait, why is Jaune getting sent to an asylem?" Nora asked, "maybe he's crazy, like in in the other ones?" Yang asked, "maybe but he sounds... to sane for an Insane asylam" Blake told them

Ren was still walking around, and then Jaune who now had green hair and a wore a purple tail-coat and had makeup like a clown walked across the screen, "I've proven my point, Ironwoods been driven mad I've demenstrated there's no diffrance between me and everyone else" Jaune said and then Ren was lead to a circle of mirrors and he looked to see disfigured people "all it takes is one bad day, thats how far the world is away from where I am! just one bead day..." Jaune said and Ren punched the mirrors, "you had a bad day once am I right? Oooo I know I'm right!" Jaune said "I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed... dressing up as a flying rat doesn't hide it! it screams it!" Jaune said and then the floor beneath Ren opened up and Ren caught the side and was lucky he missed the spikes

"yay! go Renny!" Nora screamed while holding ren tight, "nora! need air!" he said but nora just continued to watch

"you had a bad day and it drove as crazy as everyone else only you won't admit it!" Jaune said then the henchmen started to walk out and try to kill ren but he pulled one int the pit and shot a grappling hook into the air and it pulled him up to a stair case, "you have to pretend that life makes sense! that there's a point to all this struggling! you make me wanna puke!" Jaune spat with bitterness in his voice, Ren walked up the steps and kept hearing Jaune as he did, "I mean what is it with you!? what made you what you are!?" Jaune said and REn then saw a door slightly opened on another floor and walked to it

"it sound like this Jaune is trying to convince Ren that there is no diffrance between them" Blake said, "yeah, I mean Rens dressed as a bat and Jaune's dressed as a clown, I think there both crazy" yang said, "then your missing the point Ms, Xiao-long" Ozpin said "there is a diffrance between them" he finished "like what?" she asked him, "just watch" he said and they returned to watching the screen

"Girlfriend killed by the mob maybe? brother carved up by some mugger! something like that I know! because something like that... happened to me..." Jaune said and then Ren reached the door and opened it to find that everything was upside down, he walked in and looked around, "sometimes I remember it one way.... sometimes another" he said and Ren continued looking, "If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be mutipule choice" Jaune said as Ren walked away from the door it closed and Jaune appeared from behind him

"Ren! behind you!" nora cried, "turn around ren!" Ruby cried as well

"my point is..." Jaune began but then Ren turned around and Jaune it him with a pot of lobsters "I went crazy!" he said and ren was on the ground, "And I'm smart enough to admit it!" he said as he pulled the upside down chair off the roof and hit ren with it breaking it, "why can't you!?" he asked and Jaune moved to Rens front and kicked him in the face, "by clinging to reality you denying the reality of the situation!" he said and threw a coffee cup  and then a plate at Ren, then he grabbed a pan ad hit Ren in the face, "I mean, do you ever think about how close we've come to world war 3 over a flock of geese on a computer screen!?" Jaune asked still having the pan in hand, and then threw it at Ren, "silly goose it's all a joke! everything anyone ever valued to struggle for! I-It's monsterouse!" he said and Ren looked to Jaune "why cant you see the funny side!?" Jaune asked and had a small round taser attached to his hand, and he lifted it up to strike at Ren, "WHY AREN'T YOU LAUGHING!?!?" Jaune yelled but then Ren upper cutted him and then grabbed Jaune and threw im into the Upside down table, "Because I've heard it before" Ren said and he looked to Jaune "and it wasn't funny the first time" Ren said

"they guy does have a point, I mean once you have nothing to lose you see everything as a joke and a prank you can play with" Tai said, "yes but Ren seems to be fighting for something here" said Ozpin

the two began to fight and it lead back out to the hallway Jaune was near a window and Ren ran to him and they both jumped out of it and hit a couple of crates on the way down, a Gun fell from Jaune's coat and he kicked Ren and tried to go for it, but Ren tripped him and he fell but Jaune kicked him in the face and he grabbed the gun and pointed it at Ren, Jaune pulled the trigger

"NOOOOO!"  Pyrrha and Nora cried

but a flag came out that said boom, Jaune tried to shoot the gun again but nothing, Ren got up and Jaune just looked at the gun in dissapointment, "god damn it" he said in a bored way and he looked to Ren, "well what are you waiting for? kick the hell out of me and get you standing ovasion!" Jaune said annoyed but ren did othing and Jaune looked to him, "Come on!" he said but Ren still did nothing, "no... not this time" Ren said, "I don't want to hurt you and I don't want either of us killing the other, but we're running out of alternitaves" Ren said and Jaune got up "perhapes it all hinges on tonight, I don't know wha it was that bent your life out of shape...but maybe we coud work togethor, I could rehblitate you" Ren said and Jaune looked at him, "no... it's far to late for that..." Jaune said and then he began to laugh, "you know this reminds me of a joke" Jaune said

"is this really a time for jokes?" Weiss asked "just keep watching!" Ruby said

"see there were two guys locked in a lunatic asylem, and one night they decided they didn't like that anymore! so they decided to escape, they made it out on the roof and Across this narrow gap is more rooftops all the way to twon streching to freedom!" Jaune began and moved closer to Ren, "now the first guy, he jumps across no problem, but the second guy? noway! he's afraid of falling! so the first guy he has an Idea! he says 'hey! got this flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across!' and the second guy says 'what do you think I am crazy? you'll just turn it off when I'm half-way there!" and Jaune finished the joke and Ren began to chuckle as did Jaune, they both laughed as cop lights could be shown and ran puts his hand on Jaunes shoulder and they continue to laugh until Jaune's laugh dies out and ren laughs for a couple of more seconds be fore stopping....

"I don't get it? what was funny about it?" Yang asked "you see Yang, the first man was completely insane and he came up with a plan that was crazy but the second guy still has some sanity left and knew that it was a bad Idea" Tai told her, "Oh, ok, but how is that funny to them?" she asked "because the joke is talking about them" Ozpin said, "Jaune is the first man, insane and crazy but Ren is the second man who still has a little sanity left" Ozpin said and they all began to get it, the joke made sense but yet it was sad in away because if you didn't get it, it didn't make sense at all...

so the next one is going to be Jaune Vs Hazel Dragon ball super style because I liked that fight and I may do more of those kind of things the next chapters will be like this:

Jaune(gilgamesh) vs Oscar(shirou)

Greed(Jaune) regains his memory's

Jaune(natsu) vs dragon

Jaune(cloud) vs Adam(sepharoth)

then we go into comedy:
teacher trial SNL

It's always sunny in Philadelphia

Eric andre

and sadly the final 4 chapter:
History repeats the next generation

Jaune(eminem) vs neptune(MGK)

The complete Gladiator movie

the final stand of Jaune Miles Arc

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