Chapter Twenty: Tired

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Chapter Twenty

We had left the beach at some point and I somehow ended up in a hospital bed somewhere.

After Erik had left I blacked out, I don’t really remember anything that happened after that. As I sit on the bed bits and pieces start coming back to me, Alex calling out to me, begging me to respond and then having to carry me when I wouldn’t move. I was just an empty shell of a person.

I began to sit up, my right leg felt very heavy; I look under the sheets and see that I have a cast on, so I guess my leg really is broken. I also noticed the bandages around my body from other places I had been injured during the fight. I sign letting my head fall back onto the headrest, this is not how I was hoping this day would go.

I felt tears start to prick my eyes remembering the day’s events. I fight them back and start looking around the room; it was pretty simple, there were machines around my bed, along with a couple of chairs for visitors and a door that I assume went into a restroom.

My eyes wandered the room until they landed on one of the chairs that held a sleeping Alex on it. He was a bit slouched and his head was being held up by one of his hands, he looked so exhausted, I wonder how long he has been sitting there waiting for me to wake up.

I slowly began to move my legs so that they were hanging off of the bed and so I was facing Alex. My whole body hurt whenever I moved but I didn’t care and kept at it anyways. I grabbed onto the railing on the bed for support as I started to get up out of bed, the cold floor sending Goosebumps throughout my body. I tried to step closer to Alex but my legs gave out and I landed on the ground next to the bed.

Alex shot up from the noise of me hitting the ground and looked around in a panic until he spotted me on the ground. He quickly got down next to me and gave me a small, sad smile as I looked up at him. Without saying anything he took me in his arms, holding me tight. I hugged him back, gripping the back of his shirt, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We stayed this way for a couple of minutes, none of us saying anything; it was his way of comforting me, telling me it was going to be alright.

After a while he pulled away and picked me up off the ground, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he moved us towards the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed with me on his lap; I still had my arms and legs wrapped around me as if my life depended on it. It felt a little weird because of my cast but I didn’t let go. I felt Alex’s hand begin to stoke my hair as the other held me by the waist.

“How are you feeling?” He whispered into my ear.

I pulled back a bit to look into his eyes.

“I’m so tired… I just want to go home.” I say, my voice cracking towards the end.

“And we will, I promise” he tells me moving his hand to cup my cheek.

I put my hand over his and close my eyes. “I should have been there with him; if I was only faster I could have stopped him.”

“Hey, look at me. There’s nothing you could have done, this isn’t your fault.” Alex sternly tells me.

“No you don’t get it! I could have talked him out of it; he would have listened to me. I know how badly he was hurting, and I couldn’t help him when he needed me the most. All he ever did was help me and be there for me and I failed him! Now he’s gone.” Tears were now streaming down my face.

“This isn’t your fault. There was no way of changing his mind; he was set out to kill Shaw from the very beginning. You did not fail anyone, you went out and fought to defeat Shaw and save everyone from a nuclear war and that’s exactly what you did. Don’t you dare think otherwise. He is not disappointed in you, he made his choice, and you made yours. You chose to do what you thought correct.”

I let out a shaky breath, admitting what he said was right. It still hurt though that Erik was now against us and thought that the only way for us to live in peace was if the “humans” were gone. I let myself rest against his chest, breathing in his scent.

“I’m sorry… promise you won’t leave me” I whisper.

“I would never dream of it” he whispered back, kissing me on top of the head. “Let’s go home.”


Short I know, sorry

Next one will be longer, just been real busy with back to back projects. I'll try to upload soon

let me know what y'all think so far :)

Under the Moon's Gaze (Alex Summers X-Men First Class Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें