Chapter Three: Trouble

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Chapter Three: Trouble

Lucy's POV

Things quickly escalated and next thing I knew Angel was flying around the room dancing while Raven danced along with her on top the couch with music blasting in the background. Alex and Sean were breaking chairs over Darwin to see how well his adaptive ability worked, while Darwin just yelled for them to hit him harder. Even Hank joined in (despite looking so serious), he was hung upside down on the chandelier, apparently his mutation is having feet like that of an ape. Now I understood the Big Foot joke, although I didn't find it very funny. Meanwhile I just stood to the side watching all this happen, although it looked like a lot of fun, I was too scared of getting in trouble. After years of being confined to a room and getting punished for any "wrong action" I made, I no longer took risks, even though I was now free it was instilled in me to sit still and make as little noise as possible.

I turned my head as I heard voices coming from down the hall.

"Plane leaves for Russia in an hour" I hear a woman's voice say.

"I'm telling you these kids are not ready for Shaw" Erik comments, referring to us I guess.

"I think they're gonna surprise you, they're an exceptional group of young people" Charles tells Erik defending us.

"What the hell?" the same woman asks, taking in what the others were doing.

Oh no this is not going to end well. I immediately freeze up afraid of what's going to happen next, I trust Erik and Charles but this new woman I do not know. I shoot up from my seat and stand still looking straight at them as they make their way in front of the broken window. The woman moves closer towards us with her hands on her hips as she then proceeds to yell "What are you doing!" I flinch a bit at her raised voice. Everyone immediately stops what they are doing; Raven gets off the couch followed by Hank who quickly lets go of his grip on the chandelier. "Who destroyed the statue?" she asks referring to the one I accidentally blew up. We all stayed quiet. "Well!" she yells after seeing no one answer. I move up a bit looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I whisper, scared and ashamed of what I did.

"Who are you?" she asks, not having met me yet.

"Lucy" I croak out.

"No Selene, we have to call her Selene that's her name now" Raven calls out. "And we were thinking, you should be Professor X," she says pointing towards Charles "and you should be Magneto" referring to Erik with a smile. Both Charles and Erik look anything but amused.

"Exceptional" Erik says repeating what Charles had called us only minutes ago. I look down again biting my lower lip on the verge of tears. I messed up, they had just found me and helped me and this is what I do in return, blow things up. What if they no longer wanted me, would I have to go back to that place? I doubt they would send me back but at this point I was so scared of getting in trouble that I believe anything was possible. Erik scoffs as he turns to leave shortly followed by that woman.

Charles looks at Raven with disappointment clear on his face. "I expected more from you" he tells her before turning to leave as well. We all stand there for a while before turning to somewhat clear our mess. Raven though, stood there frozen in her spot staring at the place where Charles once stood.

I slowly walk up to her and grab her hand, not exactly knowing what to do but I just felt like she needed someone right now. She turns her head looking down at me as soon as she feels my hand in her's; I give her a quick squeeze and a small sad smile. She frowns a little before turning to look around at what everyone else was doing.

"We should probably help clean up" she says with a sigh. I nod and turn, fixing the cushions on the couch where Raven had been dancing. Shorty after an agent comes in and takes us to another room to stay in.

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