Chapter Two: Selene

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Chapter Two: Selene

Lucy's POV

We drove for what seemed like hours, but I didn't care, the more time that went by the happier I was. That just meant that I was getting further and further away from that place I was locked up in for so long. After my talk with Charles we all stayed quiet, I just sat in the car staring at the passing scenery. Everything looked so beautiful; sunrise looked so different when you weren't restricted in a confined room.

Soon after we stopped in front of what Charles told me was a government building where all the others like me where. I slowly got out of the car and walked in between Charles and Erik. As we walked through the hallways I couldn't help but notice all the people staring at me as we walked by, Charles noticed too.

"I think it'd be best if you washed up and changed into something more comfortable before you met everyone else."

I only stared up at him, slowly nodded my head. Erik excused himself while Charles showed me what he said would be my room for the moment. It looked fairly simple but to me it was so luxurious, there was a bed towards the left with a closet directly in front of it on the other side of the room. There were a couple of nightstands on either side of the bed and a door that lead to what I guessed was the bathroom. Charles said he'd be back in a bit after I was done washing up and left me in the room.

As soon as he closed the door I walked into the bathroom dying to finally be able to take a nice warm shower, instead of my usual ice cold ones. I got the water running and began to slowly discard my clothing; I looked at myself in the mirror and was greeted with a pitiful sight. I was so skinny I felt like I could break at any second, my body was covered in bruises and my long white hair was all matted and in knots. I quickly looked away and jumped into the shower. Once in, I felt as if the water washed away whatever strength I was able to muster up before and broke down. I sat there while the hot water washed over me, crying out all the tears I had held back after Charles and Erik had saved me, I was so happy and relieved to be out of there. After I felt like I couldn't cry any more tears, I got up and washed my hair and body; it felt good to be clean.

I got out and quickly dried myself, walking out of the bathroom to find some clothes to wear. I looked through the closet and found some jeans and a white t-shirt, along with some undergarments to change into. They fit loose because of how underweight I was, but they'd have to do for now. I then proceeded to brushing the knots out of my hair. As soon as I was done, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened the door I was greeted by Erik who had a little smile when he saw me.

"You look refreshed. Come on, let's get you something to eat I'm sure you're starving."

He held out his arm for me to take, and when I finally did he lead me out of my room and into a kitchen that the government had set up for us. There waiting for us was Charles with the tastiest looking sandwich I had ever seen.

"I know it isn't much but that's all I could make." Charles said as soon as I sat down handing me the plate with the sandwich. I looked up at him with wide eyes wondering if it was really ok for me to have it. He chuckled at the face I was making, "Of course it's alright to eat it, I did make it for you after all." With that I began to eat. I didn't want to just stuff my face like some sort of animal in front of my rescuers but I was starving, so I ate it as civilized as a starving person could manage causing a couple more chuckles to erupt from Charles again, and some from Erik as well.

"Come, we should probably introduce you to the others. They are very excited to meet you." Charles said as soon as I was done with my food. I got up and stood in between the two as they took me to yet another room, but this time it was filled with people my age. I quickly hide behind Erik as all eyes turned to me.

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