Chapter One: Found

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Quick Intro

Name: Lucy White

Age: 19

Appearance: Long white hair, Turquoise eyes, pale skin, 5' 3"

Mutation: Manipulate energy, agility and her hair and eyes

Chapter One: Found

"I found another one..... wait.... we need to leave, Now!"

Lucy's POV

Shit they're coming back, what are they going to do today? I can't take anymore of this; I wish they'd just kill me already. Anything would be better than the torture they put me through every day. All I can do is lie here and wait for this to be over.

My room consists of nothing but myself and the chains attached to my ankles that keep me from moving more than 5 feet in either direction. The room is fairly large, with only one window high up that allows me to see the sky above. I figure I'm pretty high off the ground given I can't even see trees from where I'm staying, but after 10 years of being in this hell you learn to not really care.

I hear them getting closer and curl up more on the ground, with hopes that somehow I can curl up small enough that they won't see me. Then I hear what sounds like guns firing and a voice in my head telling me everything was going to be ok. I guess after all these years I'm finally going crazy because that voice was not mine.

Next thing I knew the door that kept me in this room flew open. I don't dare look up as I hear two pair of footsteps get closer.

I squeeze my eyes closed harder and just hope that whatever is coming will be over soon.

Charles's POV

Erik opened the door and laying there one the floor was the figure of a young girl curled up in the middle of the room.

My god what have they done to her. We try moving closer to her causing her to flinch; Erik and I look at each other and he nods to me.

"Lucy, we aren't here to hurt you." As soon as I told her that her head shot up.

"H-how do you know my name? Who are you?" she asked me.

I know a lot more than you think I say in her head.

Her eyes grew wide, "You were the one from before." I nod.

"We are here to help, to get you out of this place." Erik tells her.

She looks scarred and thinks about it for a bit, but the thought of getting out of this wretched place soon takes over. She looks at the two of us and slowly nods her head.

"Good, Erik if you'd please" I say as I motion towards the chains at her ankles.

Without much effort he's able to break the chains that constrict her. She stares at him wide eyed. I motion for us to leave, but as soon as she tries to get up her knees buckle in and she falls back to the ground.

"Erik!" I yell as I sense more guards on their way.

Erik's POV

I quickly pick her up and run out of the room.

She is so small and fragile in my arm, just by looking at her you can tell how malnourished and beaten up she is. I can't help but think back to when I was also in the hands of people who only hurt and used me. I quickly shake the thought out of my head and focus on what's at hand.

We go through multiple corridors, I keep insisting that Charles just let me make a hole through the wall so we can escape (given that we are in a metal building) but he refuses, saying that for her safety we must stay hidden and out of sight.

We finally make it to the exit without being detected and go towards the car. The whole time we were escaping Lucy was quiet, with her head hidden in my chest. I'm glad Charles found her; no child deserves to be locked up and tortured for so long.

Lucy's POV

I can't believe it! I-I'm.... I'm finally free!

It finally hit me when I was placed in the car. A tear manages to slip out of my eye but I quickly wipe it off. I may be out of that place, and even though they did get me out of there, I still don't know their intentions.

"Don't worry, we were being honest when we said we are here to help you. Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Charles Xavier and my companion is Erik Lehnsherr."

"How is it you can read my mind and talk to me in my head?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

"We are just like you Lucy; we have abilities that make us special." Erik says.

"I have the power to go into people's head and influence their thoughts, also known as telepathy. And Erik as you saw can manipulate anything made of metal." Charles clarified.

"There are more like me? I always thought I was the only one." All those years spent in that room I thought I was alone, that there was no one else like me.

"You're not alone Lucy, and you never will be. We are taking you somewhere safe where there are more like us, with different abilities."

Everything Charles was telling me began to sink in. I will meet others like me and can be somewhere where I'm wanted with the people who helped me escape my 10 year prison. Maybe now after so long I can finally live a happy, peaceful life.

I can't help but smile, I'm still scared of what lies ahead and if I'll even get along with everyone else but at least now I have a chance to finally be free.


And thats the end of the first chapter. What'd you think?

Next chapter we meet the other characters

That's her eye color on the side picture

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