Chapter Eleven: Butterflies

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Chapter Eleven

After the whole incident I continued my sessions with Charles and found that it did help me better manage my memories and emotions. I no longer had as many nightmares as I did before and was learning to deal with all that I had gone through, from being abandoned by my parents to being held prisoner.

Today I was in the library again with Hank while he was going over some papers he had left me to work on the night before. I was seated sideways on the chair so my legs and head hung over the arm rest, bored out of my mind.

“Hey Hank, can I ask you something?” I said as I sat up right in my seat.

“Of course, what is it?” he answered looking up from the sheet.

I briefly looked down at my hands as I continued, “What does it mean when it feels like you have butterflies flying around in your stomach whenever you’re near a person?”

“O-oh um, l-let’s see. Um” he stuttered as his face changed to a light shade of pink. “Well usually it means that you like that person I think.”

“Hm, but then why wouldn’t you feel that with everyone?”

“N-no I mean, you get that feeling when you like like a person. You know someone you really care for… more than others.” He explained.

Does that mean I like Alex more than a friend? I felt a blush creep onto my face at this realization. I had to find a way to know for sure.

“Do you like anyone?” I asked wide eyed.

“You’re just full of questions aren’t you,” Hank muttered turning an even deeper shade of red “but yes I do.”

“Who do you like? How do you know you like them for sure?” I eagerly asked leaning over the table leaning closer to him.

“Whoa um I think our time is up for today.” He checked his wrist to look at his watch. “Yup it is most definitely up, sorry but I must be getting somewhere. I’ll see you later.” He said storming out of the library, leaving me alone.

I slumped back into my chair frustrated; I began to bite my lower lip trying to think of what my feeling towards Alex were. Memories of the time we had spent together started playing in my mind: of the time he had protected me when Shaw had broken into the government facility, of when he comforted me when I talked about my past, and the night of the fireworks amongst many others. I began to feel all warm and fuzzy again with just the mere thought of him; maybe I did have strong feelings for him.

I started walking around the mansion absentmindedly, lost in thought. If I did like Alex what do I do? What does he think of me? What happens then? All these thoughts ran through my head.

I turned a corner and ran straight into someone causing me to fall down.

I looked up to see who I had crashed into, “Lucy! How’ve you been?” Sean asked holding his hand out to me to help me get up.  But before I could answer him there was a loud yell coming from end of the hall he had come from.

“SEEEEEAAAAAN!!!!” I heard Erik yell from further down the hall.

Sean quickly grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the way I had just come from, “haha, run!”

“What did you do?” I asked breathlessly as I was practically being dragged behind him.

“What, me? I didn’t do anything” he said with a devilish smile. He led us into a random room and told me to be quiet as he put his ear up against the door. I could hear Erik storming past the door and eventually down the hall and away from us.

Sean stayed where he was with his ear pressed against the door until he was sure Erik was gone “Phew, that was a close one.” He then turned to me, remembering I was there with him. “Lucy, don’t you look wonderful today” he said with a hug, “what have you been up too?”

I eyed him suspiciously, “I just finished my studies with Hank. What where YOU up too?”

“Oh nothing, just wandering the mansion.”

“Uh-huh, sure” I said skeptically, Erik wasn’t just mad at nothing.

His head tilted to the side and an amused expression crossed his face, “You’re really small, you know that.”

“What?” I laughed, “Uh yeah I kind of noticed.”

“No but I mean you’re tiny, I could just…” and next thing I knew I was in the air “pick you up without breaking a sweat.”

A squeak involuntarily came out followed by a fit of giggle as he lifted me in his arms and began walking around the room.

“Put me down Sean” I said between laughs.

“Why should I hmmm, what are you going to give me” he joked.

I felt like a little kid playing with her older brother; he lifted me up higher into the air as I laughed even harder. I had never had much of a childhood and being with these people was like having a family of my own, one I never had before.

Sean slowly lowered me to the ground with a soft smile. “Feeling better?”

“What do you mean?” I asked with a smile still on my face.

“Well you’ve been looking a little down lately.” He told me.

I guess with having to deal with my past and with my confusion about my feeling, I hadn’t been as cheerful as I used to. I didn’t realize it was that noticeable, and actually didn’t even notice I was a little down myself.

“I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you” I honestly answer, it felt nice to actually see people care for me so much to try and cheer me up. I had never been shown any emotion other than hate and disgust.

The door then suddenly burst open, revealing a very soaked and angry Erik. Sean quickly moves to hide behind me, grabbing my shoulders to use me as a shield.

“What happened?” I ask as I cover my mouth so as not to break out laughing.

“Why you little” Erik starts, moving closer to us.

“Whoa whoa calm down there big guy” Sean says pulling us further back. “Just think of that as payback for pushing me off the satellite and call it even.”

Sean tried to run around Erik by pushing me in his way but failed miserably.

“Oh no you don’t” Erik said grabbing hold of him. I burst out laughing seeing the events happening in front of me, Sean looked so terrified. Erik gave Sean such an earful and promised him hell during their next training session. I on the other hand was as happy as can be.

“Glad you’re taking joy out of my misery” I heard Sean say.

Erik turned to me and smiled, seeing me enjoy myself before he went back to threatening Sean. I felt so happy, not at Sean getting in trouble but at seeing the amazing group of people that I had surrounding me.


I decided to write a scene with Sean since I hadn't written any interactions between the two. I wanted to show what kind of relationship they had, I feel like he'd be like her big brother and be protective of her.

Sorry I've been busy and haven't been able to upload lately

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