Chapter Five: Home

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Chapter Five: Home

We pull up to what looks like a huge castle and make our way out of the car and I find myself staring at the mansion in awe This is where we'll be living? It's amazing! I think to myself. I'm glad you like it I hear Charles say in my head. I turn to look at him with a smile plastered on my face.

"This is yours?" Sean asks looking out at the mansion like the rest of us.

"No, it's ours" Charles answers him.

"Honestly Charles, I don't know how you survived living in such hardship" Erik jokes and I giggle at his comment.

"Well it was a hardship softened by me" Raven tells Erik as she walks up next to Charles who wraps his arm around her and kisses her temple. "Come on, time for the tour" Raven says leading the way into the mansion.

We walk in through the front doors and are greeted by two massive staircases that lead upstairs from either side of the entrance. It was truly magnificent. Everything looked old and was covered by white sheets; I guess no one had been living here for quite some time. Raven gave us a tour of the WHOLE mansion, showing us the kitchen, living rooms, dining room, library, and gardens outside amongst many other places. This place was huge; I was completely exhausted by the time the tour was over.

She then began showing us to our individual rooms; the girls were placed on one side of the mansion while the boys stayed on the other. Charles idea, not that I minded, I really didn't care. My room was between Raven's and Moira's; we all left to our rooms to get situated. As soon as I walked into my room I was awe struck, if I thought my old room in the government building was nice, this place was a hundred times better.

It was twice as big as my old room and had a lot more furniture. My bed looked so big and comfortable; it was located on the center of the left wall with four big posts on every corner and a canopy over top of them. It also had a wardrobe and its own bathroom like the other room, but this one had a giant window that overlooked the back of the mansion with a little window nook that was built into it.

I pull the curtains open and looked out at the amazing view, I could get used to this I thought as I looked out towards the setting sun. I felt so privileged to be here, to be able to call this place home; if Charles and Erik hadn't found me I'd still be stuck in that place getting tested on and beat.

I turn around and start getting changed into something more comfortable. Raven had let me borrow some clothes in the mean time until we got the chance to go buy my own. As I began to change I couldn't help but notice how fuller I looked, although I was still underweight I had begun to get some curves during the couple of days after being rescued. I still had the bruises I had gained while being held captive but they would eventually fade away in time.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face at the thought of finally being liberated of that place completely once my bruises were gone. Although the memories would always be there, I would no longer have any physical reminders of being locked away. I finished getting dressed in some grey sweat pants and a white v-neck that I tied at the side so that it wouldn't look like I was swimming in it.

I put my hair up in a quick bun and walked out of my room barefoot. I wandered the halls for a bit trying to remember how to get to the kitchen. Although Raven gave us a tour, I didn't really pay attention to be honest, it was just too big and I was too tired to focus on where everything was. I finally found the stair cases and ran into Alex who was already at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing up?" he asked when he noticed me at the top of the steps.

"I was on my way to the kitchen but got lost" I say a little embarrassed at the fact that I got lost.

He just chuckled a bit before nodding his head down the hall, "Come on, I'm heading over there too."

I quickly walk down the stairs and almost trip down the last couple steps causing him to laugh even more and me to blush like crazy. I really wasn't used to being around others, I had only really gotten close to Raven, Charles and Erik and although I had talked to the rest I hadn't been alone with any of them.

We walked in silence for a while not really knowing what to say, then Alex suddenly speaks up breaking the awkward silence. "So, how are you feeling?"

I only looked up at him with a confused expression. "I mean how are you holding up, you know after the whole Shaw incident."

"Oh" I breathe out, "I just can't believe he's really gone, but I find that it's easier to get through it with you guys." I pause for a bit trying to find the right words, "You know, it's not your fault."

He looks at me surprised, "I know you feel guilty about what happened to Darwin, but there was no way of knowing what was going to happen and it wasn't you who put that thing in him." I stop and turn towards him to look at him straight on. "If you are to be angry at anyone, be mad at Shaw not yourself."

He just lets out a sigh. "I know" I hear him say so quietly that I had to strain my ears to hear. I was about to say something else when he starts walking again. I followed a few steps behind, partly because his steps were so large and I couldn't quite keep up with my short legs.

A couple minutes later we make it to the kitchen and find Raven and Sean already there. "Hey! How do you like your rooms?" Raven asks when she sees us walk in.

"It's perfect, and thank you for letting me borrow some clothes" I tell her. She just waves her hand at me saying that it's no problem. I make my way to the counter and pick up an apple before taking a seat next to Sean on one of the stools.

Charles walks in shortly after. "Glad to see you all here, I want to let you all know that we shall start training tomorrow morning. I expect to see you all up and ready at seven for breakfast" he says with a smile. I hear the others groan, complaining about how early they had to get up at. "Eh eh no complaining, if you want to learn to better control your abilities the sooner we start training the better." With that he turned around and walks away.

"Come on Lucy we should probably get some sleep if we are going to be waking up so early" Raven says grabbing my arm. I'm glad she said so too, I have no idea how to get back to my room. "Good night" she tells the guys with a smile and a wave before dragging me out, I barely have the chance to send them a quick wave before I'm hauled out of the kitchen.

We make it back to our rooms and I say good night to Raven before disappearing into my room. I let myself fall onto my bed face first and relax into the cushions. After a minute I finally flip over and stare at the top of the canopy. I can't stop thinking about Alex; I could see that he wasn't completely convinced that Darwin's death wasn't his fault. Hopefully he would realize that he's wrong soon.

I slowly felt my eyelids grow heavy and eventually fell asleep lying on top of the covers.


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