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Ever just sit in the dark
Wearing a sweater that's wayyyyyyy to big for you.

With no pants on
And a messy bun
And even though it's supposed to be messy you still think it looks trashy and your glad no one is there to notice

And your sitting in your room
In the dark
But your window is open so you can sorta see
And you have a plastic cup full of black coffee
Because you didn't DUCKING SLEEP AGAIN!!

And your sitting at your desk
In the dark
With a notebook and pen
Writing a music musical so you can get into a good college

And if anybody comes in your room right now you swear to God you will smite them because your door is closed
And when it's closed that means KNOCK

And you can hear the sounds of someone waking up and you really hope it's not your parents
Or the baby

Cause she's afraid of the dark

Egh fuck
It's the baby
She's yelling for mom
Now the parents are up
Now your siblings are up
Now everyone wants to come in your room

So you have to put pants on
Your not supposed to have coffee in your room so you drink it really fast

And you open the door because you have to and you take off the sweater because it's not yours
And you stare down at your notebook before you put it away

And you realize that you never found a word to rhyme with Esme

Which isn't really a word

It's a name

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