Prologue 2/3: Declaring War

Start from the beginning

Wario-man: Now, we have all of the villains on our team!

Dr. Eggman suddenly burst into the room.

SMGX: Dafuq?

Nazo: What's with the entrance, doctor?

Dr. Eggman: Everybody! Good news!

Xeggy: What is it?

Dr. Eggman: The first good news... Is that my greatest creation is complete!

Mephiles: Oh?

Dark Squid: I wonder what it is?

Dr. Eggman: Come on in... Mecha Infinite.

Villains: HUH?!

A robot version of Infinite walked into the room, and looked up.

Mecha Infinite: What do you require, doctor?

Dr. Eggman: That's where the second piece of good news comes in! We found one of the Meme Stones Wario-man needs!

Wario-man: YOU DID?!

Xeggy: WHERE IS IT?!

Dr. Eggman: It's buried underneath the castle. Mecha Infinite? Head over to the castle and retrieve the Meme Stone.

Mecha Infinite: Very well, doctor.

The robot started to fly, and flew through the window.

Dark Squid: This is gonna be interesting... *Thoughts: I suddenly have the urge to kill... Is my hate towards the good guys coming back?*

While the villains were talking, the Chaos Emeralds in the other room started to glow red. A Egg-Pawn noticed the glowing and walked into the room.

Egg-Pawn: What's going on?

The Chaos Emeralds turned completely dark, as six shadows flew out of the Chaos Emeralds and started to form the shapes of jackals.

Egg-Pawn: H-huh?!

Fire Jackal: Hmm? Where are we?

Ice Jackal: It seems we came out of those emeralds...

Water Jackal: We were born from lots of negative and dark energy, produced by the misuse of the Chaos Emeralds.

Wind Jackal: How about we cause some trouble, brothers?

Earth Jackal: Very well.

Demon Jackal: This will be interesting.

One final shadow slithered out of the Chaos Emeralds, and created an albino jackal.

Syn Jackal: Here I am.

Fire Jackal: Our boss has arrived.

Ice Jackal: But first...

Egg-Pawn: Wha?!

Ice Jackal pointed at the Egg-Pawn, as it suddenly froze.

Syn Jackal: Not bad, Ice.

Wind Jackal: Let's go!

The seven Shadow Jackals flew out of the ceiling, and observed the city.

(Back with you...)

(Y/N): This film is awesome!

SmeshBras123: I want to know why critics seem to hate Madagascar, though...

Infinite: Me too...

Meggy: Why do they? Madagascar is a classic, and it's great!

(Y/N): Indeed.

SB123 Tari: Ummm...

Tari: Guys?

Crystal: What is it, Taris?

SB123 Tari: There's someone outside...

You hopped off the couch, and walked over to the window. Sure enough, there was someone standing there, staring right at you.

(Y/N): Okay, that's a bit scary-

The figure then flew through the window, making you fall backwards.


Mecha Infinite: Hmm...

Infinite: Wait... Is that...

Luna: A robot version of dad?

Mecha Infinite: Meme Stone located.

Infinite: WHA- HEY! 

Mecha Infinite: Do not interfere.

A cage suddenly appeared around everyone.

(Y/N): Oh, crap!

Infinite: I can't break out!

Comet: Let us out, you tin can!

Mecha Infinite walked into the basement, and tore the Pingas Stone out of the ground.

Mecha Infinite: Pingas Stone acquired. Before I go, I shall leave a message.

Crystal: Dammit...!

Mecha Infinite walked back upstairs, and showed a hologram of Xeggy and Wario-man.

Meggy: Huh?

(Y/N): Wait, Xeggy and Wario-man?

Mecha Infinite: Don't tell me you idiots forgot.

You thought for a while, and realized.

(Y/N): N-no...

Infinite: What?

SmeshBras123: What's the matter?


Meggy: Wait... Are they going to attack?!

Mecha Infinite: Soon they will. And they're not alone. We villains will rain hell down upon you all.

Infinite: You won't get away with this!

Mecha Infinite disappeared, and so did the cage.

Comet: This isn't good...

Infinite: They have the Pingas Stone... Their strength is going to increase...

Crystal: I don't like this... He said they're not alone.

Infinite: Grrr... I know what's coming.

SB123 Mario: What is it?

Infinite: A third war. A war which will decide the fate of the multiverse...

(Crap. We lost the Pingas Stone...)

Anyways, lata!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now