Chapter IV

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I live up to my word and give Beca another chance but she's still the same demanding and rude person she was yesterday. I don't tolerate rude behaviour but I'm just going to see how long it takes for Beca to calm down. Her job can be quite stressful but I'm doing everything I can to make it easier for her. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the majority of her work for her! I bite my tongue every time Beca is rude to me and it takes everything in me not to say something. I keep hoping that she'll be better the next day but she never is. She hasn't changed since the day I met her and that was over two weeks ago now. I've put up with her crap for nearly three weeks and I've had it. It's Friday and I'm packing up my things ready to go home where I plan to lie on my couch in my pyjamas under a blanket with Billie and watch Netflix. I'm tired physically and emotionally and all I want to do is go home.

"Chloe!" Beca calls out.


"Where are the projects from today that Theo and I worked on?"

"On your desk."

"No, they're not."

I suppress my sigh and replace it with a smile as I walk into her office with her and see the project folders on her desk where I left them.

"They're right there." I point to them.

"They weren't there before."

"They were, Miss Mitchell. I put them there half an hour ago."

"Well, I didn't see them."

"Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there."

"Alright, well, be at work an hour earlier on Monday - we've got a lot of work to do."

"You could say please," I snap.

"What?" She frowns.

"Just because you're rich and famous doesn't mean you can speak to me how you want."

Beca looks at me oddly as if she wasn't expecting me to say that. I'm a little nervous standing up to her like this but as I said, I've had enough and I'm not going to let her walk all over me anymore.

"And how do I speak to you?" She asks.

"Where to start! You're rude, curt, cold, and demanding and that's just the tip of the iceberg."

"Oh, really?" She smirks.

"Really. With all due respect, Miss Mitchell, your attitude sucks and you have no right to treat me the way that you do. I'm doing the best I can to keep up with you but it never seems enough. I honestly don't know what more you want of me! I've never met someone so selfish and ungrateful!"

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Yes, you remind me every day and it doesn't matter who you are, you're not a cut above everyone else. I've met people in slums with a better personality than you!"

"Do you want to lose your job?"

"Wow. Incredible. I pull you up on your shit and you threaten to fire me because of it. You can fire me if you want and I'll tell everyone how awful you are and how working with you was NOT a good experience, in fact, it was the worst. Fire me, I don't care, but you know as well as I do that you need me right now. You're up to your neck in work and I'm the one keeping your head above the water. Of course, you're too stubborn and proud to admit that but you know it's true and you also know that it'll take months for you to get another executive assistant and you won't be able to manage everything on your own for that amount of time."

Beca glares at me when I finish. She looks pissed beyond words and I don't know why but I feel extremely confident and powerful. I don't think anyone has said anything like that to her before, which doesn't surprise me. If they did, she wouldn't act the way she does.

"I'll make a deal with you, Miss Mitchell - I'll stay and be your assistant on the condition that you change your attitude and treat me like I'm an actual human being instead of your slave. If you don't then you'll give me no choice to walk out the door and leave you to fend for yourself."

Beca clenches her jaw and I can tell she's fuming but I don't care. This woman needs to pull her head in and I'm not going to continue working with her if she doesn't. I didn't really want to threaten to walk out since the pay is amazing but I'm not going to choose money over my emotions and self-worth. If I continue working with someone like her, it will damage me and I don't want that.

"So, if you want me to stay, you're going to have to change your behaviour because it's unacceptable," I tell her sternly. "Now, if there's nothing else, I'm going to head home."

Beca continues to glare at me and I'm waiting for her to snap or do something but she doesn't.

"No," she shakes her head. "You can go home."

That wasn't the response I was expecting but I'll take it.

"Thank you," I nod then quickly leave her office and walk into the elevator. "Oh my God..." I breathe, resting my head on the elevator wall.

I can't believe I just did that! Aubrey is going to be so proud of me! I feel proud but on the other hand, I feel kind of scared. Beca is a very powerful person and I have no idea what she's going to do but as Aubrey said, the worst thing that can happen is that she'll fire me. I hope she doesn't but again, if I need to leave then I will. I'm not working for someone who is a complete ass. Why do the hot ones always have to have the worst attitude?

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