"No..." Iceslide dug his claws into the snowy ground. "I have to go." He had to get to the camp as soon as possible. Cats were dying. He started forward, then hesitated, looking over his shoulder. "Come with me to RiverClan," He urged. "You can be safe there. You can be warriors."

Dandelion's eyes flickered with longing, and Howl looked down. "We can't," He murmured. "We wouldn't be able to hunt on our own. That's why we rely on Bone Shred." He paused. "And we need to stay with Bristle, our son. Unfortunately he's just like the others now, but he's still our son, and we stay where he is."

Iceslide hesitated, feeling a rush of sympathy for them. They deserve better. They're good cats living among terrible ones. "Thank you." He gave them a nod before hurrying out of the camp.

His legs were tired and stiff, and he still felt numb and shaken by the deaths of Truffle, Dime, and Sunripple. But fear for his clanmates gave him energy, and he quickly increased his speed as he raced through the snowy forest. I have to get to them!

The sun was setting as he ran across RiverClan territory, panting and kicking up snow behind him. His chest felt heavy and desperate for a break to breathe, but he refused the urge. He was terrified of what awaited him at the camp. He knew that there would be more dead. He prayed to StarClan that Winterlight and Blizzardfur wouldn't be among them.

As he neared the camp, he heard Bone Shred yowl. "Retreat!", and his heart skipped with alarm. Rogues began streaming out of the camp, and Iceslide quickly crouched behind a snowbank, relieved that his white fur would help keep him hidden. 

The last cat to leave was Bone Shred. The massive tom paused and looked over his shoulder at the camp. Iceslide tensed. His skull was splashed with blood. After a moment, he gave a satisfied nod and followed his rogues into the distance.

Whose blood is that? Iceslide wondered with a shiver. He waited a few more moments to make sure all the rogues had gone, then stepped out from his hiding place and ran across the stepping stones.

When he broke through the reeds, he let out a cry. Oh no...!

It was like yesterday all over again, only worse. Cats were scattered throughout the clearing, the snow stained with fresh blood. No... 

Petalfin was curled up against Frozenripple, pressing her muzzle into his fur and sobbing. His former mentor was dead, blood streaming through his long fur. Not far from them lay their son, Fintail, bearing horrible wounds in his throat and shoulder. Darkminnow was sitting beside the body of his brother, his eyes dull with grief.

"Oh, Frozenripple," Petalfin rested her head against her mate's shoulder, trembling. "What will I do without you?"

Outside the medicine den, Maplesky was slumped in the snow with his stomach slashed. Otterpelt had a paw rested on her dead mentor's shoulder as she stared down at him, murmuring something. Our medicine cat is dead...

"Creekleap..." Shimmerstar croaked and slumped down beside her son, pressing her muzzle against his fur. "No... Not you too..." 

"Creekleap!" Heartsong cried and ran from the nursery, ignoring Cherryberry as she called for her to wait. She crouched beside Shimmerstar and licked Creekleap's bloody shoulder, letting out a wail of grief.

At the entrance of the nursery, Cherryberry was trying to block the kits view from the clearing, moving back and forth as the kits struggled to get through.

"What's going on?" Frostkit squeaked. "Is Creekleap hurt?"

"Why can't we see him?" Tansykit asked anxiously, trying to peer over Cherryberry at her father. "I want to see him!"

Cherryberry didn't seem to know what to say. "You must stay here for now," Her voice cracked with sadness. "You-"

Tansykit slipped between the queen's legs and ran across the clearing, and as Cherryberry spun to try to catch her, Frostkit and Wetkit ran out after their sister. "Wait!" The queen gasped.

Shimmerstar stepped back as the kits neared, staring at their father with wide wary eyes. They kept a distance as though afraid to get any closer. 

"What's wrong with him?" Wetkit whispered and looked up at Heartsong. "Why won't he get up?"

"Otterpelt, Creekleap is hurt badly!" Tansykit cried. The medicine cat looked over at them numbly, then dropped her gaze. "Why won't she come?"

Frostkit took a wary step toward Creekleap and prodded him with a tiny paw, his eyes round.

Heartsong looked away, and Shimmerstar rested her tail over her back, speaking quietly. "Kits, your father hunts with StarClan now."

"StarClan?" Frostkit stared up at the clan leader with wide eyes. "That... That means..." He broke into a wail and pressed his head against Creekleap's flank, and the other kits rushed over.

Iceslide felt his heart shatter like thin ice as he watched the kits cry and huddle against their father's body. Oh, StarClan, no... I'm so sorry I took your father away. I'm so sorry...

Wetkit sniffled and looked up with tear filled eyes. "Can we visit him?" He whimpered.

"No, Wetkit..." Heartsong lowered her head and licked his ear. "We can't... He's gone. But he'll always watch over you from StarClan."

The kits continued to cry, and the queen swallowed hard before reaching toward them with a paw. "Let's go to the nursery. You must say goodbye to Creekleap now."

Wetkit gave his father a last nuzzle before he slowly turned away and pressed his face into Heartsong's fur. Frostkit whispered a "goodbye" before joining his brother.

Tansykit was more reluctant. She stepped closer to Creekleap's face and whimpered as she rubbed her little head against his cheek and licked his nose. "I love you," She whimpered and cried as she turned away, her little tail drooping.

"Iceslide!" Winterlight raced over to him, pressing her head against his neck, and he staggered, dazed. "Thank StarClan you're okay!" She leaned back and stared at him anxiously. "Where were you?"

He was about to respond when he caught sight of Blizzardfur crouched by the nursery with his back to him, his white fur coated with splashes of blood. He immediately hurried over to his brother. "Are you-" He broke off, his heart leaping into his throat.

Coralshine lay in front of him, her chest and neck slick with blood. Her blue eyes were glazed and sightless. He found his gaze drifting to her stomach. A stomach round with kits that would never be born. No...

"Blizzardfur..." He rasped. "I'm so sorry..."

The mottled white tom didn't move. "Why... This isn't right," He whispered, trembling. "We were having kits! We..." He trailed off and suddenly spun to face Iceslide, his eyes lighting with a mixture of anguish and fury. "This is your fault!" He spat.

Iceslide started backwards. "I-" He began desperately.

"You did this!" His brother screeched at him. "You brought those rogues here!" His eyes glistened as he yowled. "She was pregnant, Iceslide! You've killed Coralshine and our kits!"

"Blizzardfur!" Winterlight raced over, looking at her brothers warily. "Listen-"

"You've killed her!" Blizzardfur ignored her and raged on, his blue eyes locked on Iceslide. "You've killed your clanmates, you've killed the clans, you mouse-brained fool!" He lunged forward and raked his claws across his face.

Iceslide reared back in shock, his face stinging from the blow. He shakily opened his eyes, feeling his muzzle and cheek wet with blood. Winterlight and Dipfoot were grasping Blizzardfur as he yowled at him furiously and tried to pull free. Eventually he gave up and let the two cats guide him away as he cried.

What have I done? Iceslide stepped back, trembling as blood trickled down his face. I ruined his life... I ruined my brother's future. I ruined RiverClan's future. Maybe even the future of the whole forest.

Warriors: Beyond the River (SOB prequel) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now