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Francis's point of view
I rang the doorbell to Mary's house, tonight is homecoming. Yesterday was the homecoming game, where Olivia and I were crowned homecoming king and queen. She just had to sit and watch, she smiled and supported me. She said she isn't upset, and I believe her. But that doesn't stop me from feeling horrible. I told Olivia we will not be dancing tonight. I don't care if there is a king and queen dance. Mary opened the door, she was wearing a maroon dress, it hugged in all the right places. Her hair was half up half down, she had minimal make up on due to her natural beauty. "Stop looking at me like that." She smiled "I can't, you look so beautiful." I put my hands on her hips. "Thank you." She grabbed my matching maroon tie pulling me into a kiss. "Look i'm wearing the necklace you got me." She held up a gold necklace with a lowercase cursive f. For Francis, obviously. "My parents are away this weekend, do you want to sleep over? I cleaned the house and everything." I said "Hm I don't know, I have plans later." She smiled "Stop you're coming over." I joked then pulled her into a kiss "Come on, we aren't leaving for a little while and I need to pack a bag now" She pulled me inside, I held her hand and we walked down stairs. I sat down on her bed. "I've never seen you dance before." I said "And you won't, ill just sway back and fourth." She smiled "Why? that's no fun." I joked "Because I'm horrible at dancing, and i'm not as out going as you are." She said as she filled her bag full of stuff. "Come here." I patted my lap, she came and sat down and wrapped her arm around me. "I promise you by the end of the night I'll get you to let loose." I rubbed her thigh up and down. "Mhm and how do you plan on doing that?" She said shifting around in my lap. "You'll have to find out later." I smiled "You're a tease." She laughed standing up. I saw her go over to her drawer for her.. intimate garments, she grabbed something from it and put it in the bag. "What do you have there?" I asked "Nothing." She smiled. "Come on we gotta get going." I held my hand out, she grabbed my arm instead and held onto it. "I think we should get voted best dressed couple." I said "I don't know, people may be confused since you're still with Olivia." She laughed "I'm so sorry Mary, you know I didn't want this to happen. I feel terrible." I said "I'm only teasing Francis. I'm okay, really." She kissed my cheek "I love you so much." I kissed her forehead "I love you too Francis." She said,
she walked up the stairs in front of me, I can't help but look at her body in that dress.
Hours Later
I put my blazer over Mary while we walked to the car, along with wrapping my arm around her. "You are just not a very good dancer." I smiled "Shut up" She punched my arm. "You seemed to like it well enough with your hands on my hips and a smile on your face." She laughed "I never said you were bad at grinding, I said you were bad at dancing." I laughed "Oh with this attitude I don't know if I should go home with you." She laughed wrapping her arms around my neck and looking up at me. "I'm just joking, please go home with me." I jokingly pouted. "Fine, but only because you're cute." She gave me a light tap on the lips. We got in the car, my left hand took it's very comfortable place on her thigh. "I can't wait to shower, I feel so gross." She said "Me too, you know showers are more effective with two people." I laughed "They are? Well that's good to know." She smiled. We spent the rest of the ride in silence before arriving to my house. I grabbed Mary's bag from the car then we walked inside. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to my house? I don't want you to miss out on Bash's party." She asked "No. I don't want to be at a party. There is no place I would rather be than here, with you." I said "You're so sweet you have me blushing." She smiled hiding her face in her hands. "Stop hiding you're so beautiful." I moved her hands out of the way. "The most beautiful actually." I gentled pressed her against the wall "You think so?" She smiled "I know so." I kissed her over and over. She pulled away. "Is something wrong?" I asked "No, no not at all. Why don't you go up stairs and shower." She smiled "Do I really smell that terrible?" I asked "No, no not at all. Just go shower, I'll be waiting when you get out." She smiled "One more kiss for the road?" I smiled, she grabbed onto my collar and kissed me. I went up stairs to the shower. Once I finished I got out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I went into my bedroom and I saw Mary laying under the covers of my bed. I could see her upper body, her breasts look amazing. "Well hello there." I smiled standing at the edge of the bed, she moved the covers off her and moved towards me, revealing a matching black lingerie set. She leaned her body against mine. "Hello." She smiled "I don't have words for how amazing you look." I said placing my hands on her hips. "Well if I have Francis Valois lost for words I must be doing something right." She smiled "You are definitely doing something right." I looked down at her body. She began kissing my neck. God that feels so good. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked "Yes, I love you and I want to do this." She said "I love you too." I kissed her. I let my towel drop and laid her back on the bed. "I told you I would get you to let loose." I smiled. "Shut up." She smiled then kissed me.

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