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Mary's Point of View
I walked down the hallway in school towards the bathroom. I opened the door and went inside. And of course standing there was Olivia. She looked me up and down. Ugh. I walked past her towards a stall. "You know you're just a pit stop in something real, right?" She let out a little laugh. "He's done this before, he gets upset with me and finds another girl to occupy his time. And eventually he gets bored of her and comes running back. You're lasting longer than the usual flings, but i'm willing to wait." She said then left the bathroom. I can't help but feel insecure about our relationship when it comes to Olivia. She's know him far longer and far better than I do. They were together on and off for years. Plus she is so stunning. I didn't even use the bathroom I just left. I went back to class and sat down next to Kenna. "Are you okay?" She asked "Olivia said something to me, in the bathroom." I replied "What? What did she say?" She asked "She told me I was a pit stop in something real, she said this has happened before." I said "She is just playing mind games with you. She's not over him. She will say and do anything to make you doubt your relationship with Francis. I've seen Francis flirt with many girls, but I've never seen him so hopelessly devoted to anyone. He loves you, you know that. Don't let her keep making you doubt him." She said "You're right. Thank you." I smiled. I don't like that i'm so insecure and over think things so much. I wish I could just snap my fingers and I wouldn't be like that anymore. I sat there thinking until the bell rang. I got up and saw Francis standing outside the classroom. "Bye Ms.Peterson, have a good weekend." I smiled "Bye Mary, you too." She smiled "Hi." He stood in the doorway. "Hello." I said holding his hand. "How was your day?" He asked "Good, yours?" I asked "Pretty good, I got a B on my calc test." He said "Francis! Why didn't you tell me earlier? That's great!" I smiled "It's not great, it's a B." Hs said "Yes, but what did the rest of the class get?" I asked "It was a D average." He said "Exactly, so shut up and be proud of yourself." I said. "You are just so kind to me." He laughed "Can you take me home today?" I asked "I'll do you one better, there is kinda this tradition around here. At the end of football season we always have a big camp out. We all get tents and spend the night in the woods." He said "Do I look like the kind of girl who sleeps in a tent?" I laughed "No, but you look like the type of girl who will sleep in a tent for her boyfriend." He smiled as we went out to his car. "That is true." I smiled "I promise Ill set it up really nice, it'll be just like a sleep in your room or my mine." He said "Yes but our rooms have central heating, the woods does not." I said "I'll keep you warm, you know they say skin on skin contact is the best way to keep warm when you're stranded out in the wilderness." He smiled opening the passenger door. "We'll have to see about that." I smiled getting in. "So, I'll drop you off at home and you can do whatever you need to do to get ready. While I go to the campsite and set everything up." He said "Fine, but when I get frostbite I'm blaming you." I smiled "Blame me all you want." He leaned in and kissed me. "It'll be romantic." He smiled "Yeah? How romantic will it be when one of your buddies decides come in our tent and pay us a visit?" I smiled "That won't happen, we'll camp away from everyone. Please do this." He said "Let's do it." I smiled holding his hand. "Come here." He pulled me into a kiss. "I love you." He smiled "I love you too." I smiled

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