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Mary's point of view
I laid on my bed in an over sized t-shirt and underwear, what I wear to bed every night pretty much. I looked at my phone, Francis still hasn't respond. It's been 6 hours. The other night went so well and things have been going to well in general but today he's been distant. There was a knock on my window, I went over and opened my blinds to see what it was. I saw Francis knocking on the window. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked "Mary open the window it's pouring." He said, I unlocked the window then opened it. Francis came in, I shut and locked the window. "Sorry to get your room all wet and muddy." He said "It's fine, I can go grab something of Bash's for you to change into." I said "No that's okay, I have a bag." He said "Why do you have a bag?" I asked "My dad and I got in a big fight today, I walked out. I've just been driving around." He said "What did you fight about?" I asked "I don't even remember what it started over, it's always little disagreements that blow up." He said "I'm sorry, I wish I could do more than just say I'm sorry." I said "Don't say that, you're doing enough by just being here." He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "You're all wet and muddy, go get in the shower and we can lay down and relax." I cupped his hands in my face then kissed him. "Okay will do." He smiled then walked into the bathroom. I cleaned up the water and footprints from Francis. I got in bed and looked for a movie to put on. Francis came out with only boxers on. Oh my god. He does this just to mess with me. "Come here." I said holding my arms out. "This is just what I needed." He said laying on top of me then kissed my cheek. I ran my fingers through his hair. "You can stay here tonight, but in the morning go talk to him. It's not worth it, I know how stubborn people can be and you're not going to win. So just go back and apologize for whatever started the fight." I said "That's very wise but I don't want to thing about it right now. I just want to be with you." He said holding me tight. "I want to be with you too." I kissed his forehead, he moved his head up closer to mine and kissed me. There was a knock at the door. "Mary, I need to talk to you." It's Bash. "Okay, one second let my get dressed I just got out of the shower." I said "Okay." He said "Get under the bed." I whispered as quietly as I could. "Uh okay." He whispered, he got under. Once he was under I went over and opened the door. "What's wrong?" I asked, he walked into my room. "I've heard some whispers." He said looking around. "You're not with Francis are you?" He asked "Like am I dating him?" I asked "Yes." He said "No." I lied "Have you kissed him, have you even flirted with him?" He asked "I don't get why it is such a concern to you." I said "Mary just answer my question." He said "No, no we're barley even friends." I lied again. "Mary I promise I am looking out for you. I love Francis like a brother but I know what type of guy he is when it comes to girls and I know you'll get hurt. Mary with everything you've been through you don't need that in your life." He said "You don't need to worry about that because Francis and I aren't together. I'm not with anyone." I said "Mary you can think i'm the biggest asshole in the world, I don't care. I'm just looking out for you." He said "I don't think that Bash." I said "Good I'm glad, get some rest." He said walking out. I waited until I heard his foot steps all the way up the stairs then I shut and locked the door. "You can come out now." I said, he got out from under the bed. "Maybe I should go." He said "I don't want you to go." I said rubbing up and down his arm. "You heard what he said." He said "Francis what he is describing may have been you at one time but that's not you now, that is not my boyfriend." I said, he smiled. "What?" I smiled "I like when you call me your boyfriend." He smiled "I know you do." I smiled "I'm embarrassed that he thinks it would be that awful for us to be together." He said sitting on the bed. "If he knew you like I knew you he wouldn't think that. Besides I think you'll win him over, you haven't been out partying or out with girls, I think he will notice." I said sitting in his lap, he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed hit with his thumb. "Hmm, all that matters to me right now is my mom, school, football, and you." I said "In that order?" I smiled "Yep." He laughed, I kissed him. "No not in that order," He kissed my neck. "my mom, you, school, then football." I said "I like that order better." I said "Do you know what would help me be less upset?" He asked moving my legs so they wrapped around him. "What?" I smiled "If we kissed for awhile." He said resting his hands very low on my hips. "You know we're going to be much more careful now." I said "Mary do you know how hard it is for me to not have everyone know your my girlfriend? Besides I think we are keeping it pretty low key." He said "Really? You kissed me in your car in a full school parking lot." I said "Okay, then I won't drive you to or from school anymore." He said "Good, you're a bad driver." I smiled "Oh I'm a bad driver? You slam on your break if you think you see a bug in the road." He laughed "I think that makes me a cautious driver." I smiled "It's okay I like my cautious driver." He moved my hair out of my face. I got off of his lap and went over and dimmed the lights. I got in and laid next to him. "Let's just lay down and watch a movie." He cupped my face in his hand. "Are you sure?" I asked "Yes, I'm sure. I'm just happy to be with you." He kissed my forehead. I smiled at him. I like him so much. He got behind me and held me close. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck. "You smell so good." He said "Oh yeah? What do I smell like?" I laughed. "I don't know, i just know it smells really good." He yawned and held my hand. He is exhausted. "Goodnight Francis." I said "Goodnight baby." He said half asleep.

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