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Mary's Point of View
I laid in my bed wrapped in my blankets. I haven't talked to Francis in a week. Or been to school. I know what happened with Francis and Lola was months before we ever met. And I know it's ridiculous to be upset about it. I love him so much. But I can't help but look at him and have the same type of pain as when I look at Grant. I wish I didn't. There was a knock at my door. "Mary, can I come in?" It's Bash. "Yes come in." I said "So I don't exactly know what is going on with you and Francis, but it's clear you two are having some problems." He said "Why do you say that?" I asked "Mary? Are you serious?" He laughed "Well for one, you haven't been out of your room for anything other than food in a week. And secondly Francis is just really angry all the time now. Third, you two see each other everyday but he hasn't been over in a week." He said "Okay so we are fighting right now, what about it?" I asked "Well, I think you should hear him out, he didn't even know who she was and it was 6 months before you met." He said "What? I thought you didn't know what we were fighting about? Does everyone know?" I asked "No no no, he only told me." He said "Why are you going to bat for him? You didn't even want us being friends." I said "Yes you're right, but then I saw how much you both love each other and how happy you make each other. You two should be together." He said "I just can't help look at him differently now." I said "How is that fair? Are you mad at him for having sex with Olivia?" He asked "No of course not, it was before we met." I said, he is trying to make me sound hypocritical. I know I do. "Exactly, so how can you be upset with him about this?" He asked "Its- It's just Grant left me for Lola. Maybe Francis will too." I started crying. "Mary do you know why Grant cheated on you?" He asked "I don't know, I guess because I wouldn't have sex with him." I said crying more. "No, because Grant is a fucking asshole. And guess who isn't a fucking asshole?" He smiled "Francis." I smiled a little wiping the snot from my nose. "Exactly." He smiled wiping my tears with his thumb. "At the end of the day you can do whatever you want, but I think you should call him." He said "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." I said, he walked out of my room. He's very sweet for that, he does care sometimes. I grabbed my phone to call Francis, it started vibrating. It's Catherine. "Hi Catherine." I said "Hello dear, I wanted to call to talk to you about something. Don't worry Francis is okay, this is very common." She said "What? What do you mean this?" I asked "His appendix burst, he just got out of surgery. He is in recovery now." She said "What? No Catherine that can be life threatening." I said jumping out of bed. "Yes Mary I know, but the doctors say he is absolutely fine." She said. How is she so calm right now? "Can I come visit?" I asked "Yes, yes of course. I'm sure Francis would love to see you when he wakes up." She said "Okay, I'll be there soon." I said. "He will be in room 18 on the 6th floor." She said "Okay, I'll see you then bye." I hung up the phone. I rushed to get dressed and brushed my hair, trying to look a little presentable. I grabbed my keys and my purse and ran out to my car. Of course the hospital is like 30 minutes away. The whole drive there I was panicking. I parked then went to the entrance. God I hate hospitals. I walked inside. Even though hospitals contain some very painful memories for me, I went in. For Francis. I just kept walking until I got to his room. Catherine was sitting there with Francis. He was clearly still very out of it from the anesthesia. "Mom I love you so much, but I really want to see Mary. She's so pretty." He mumbled with his eyes closed. "Honey she is going to be here soon." She held his hand. "Hi." I knocked on the door frame. "Francis, Mary is here." She said. She stood up and came towards me. "I'll give you two a minute. I'm going to go get some coffee." She said then walked past me. I went and sat next to him. "You came to see me." I smiled "Yes I did." I held his hand. "How are you feeling?" I asked "You know Mary I'm just so sorry." He said "I know Francis, it's okay." I said "You are so pretty and sweet, I want you to be my girlfriend forever." He smiled "Okay, we can talk about that." I smiled "And your body, blows hers out of the water Mary. You are so hot. I also only want to have sex with you for forever." He said "Okay Francis, why don't you close your eyes for a little."
I laughed. I went over and shut the blinds. "Can you tuck me in?" He asked "Yes" I laughed again. I went over and gently pulled the covers over him and adjusted his head on the pillow. "Is this good?" I asked him "Mhm." He mumbled. I shut the door then went and sat next to him. "Please stay with me, don't leave." He said "I'm not going to leave Francis, go to sleep." I said and then held his hand.

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