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Francis' Point of View
Mary has been going through a lot lately, she has been really stressed with school and Grant has been trying to contact her relentlessly. Even though she blocked him he will still try to text her through friends. Whenever she sees him it just reminds her of everything with her parents and with him cheating. It's a Saturday night but I doubt she wants to go out. I decided to call her. "Hi" I said "Hey Francis" She sounds sad. "Do you want to hang out tonight? I can come to you." I asked "You can if you want. I'm on my period so we can't do anything." She said "Mary stop it, you know that's know why I want to come over. I just want to be with you." I said, I heard her sniffling through the phone. "Can you bring me some of your moms peanut butter cookies?" She asked "Yes I can." I laughed "I'm sorry, I'm just really sad lately." She said "I know, I think you're too pretty to be sad." I smiled "Shut up" I heard her laughing "I love you, I'll be over in 10 minutes." I said "I love you too, see you soon." She said then hung up. I fixed my hair and swished some mouth wash before going grabbing my keys and going upstairs. My Mom was on the couch. I put some cookies in a container for Mary then went over it. "Hi, how are you feeling?" I asked sitting on the edge of the couch. "I'm good, are you brining Mary cookies?" She asked "Yes, she says they are addicting." I laughed "Oh really? I'll have to have her come over and make some with me." She said "I think she would love that, we can all do it together." I smiled "No no, you and your father can go spend sometime together while Mary and I spend some quality time together. I haven't gotten to do that with her." She said "Okay, I'll have her text you." I said "I am so glad you two met, you seem so much happier since you two got together." She smiled "That's sweet, but i've also been happier because you're doing better." I said holding her hand. She smiled. "You better get going, those are really good she's going to get impatient." She joked "Bye I love you." I kissed her forehead. I went to my car and drove over to Mary's house. I knocked on the door but no one answered. It was unlocked so I went inside. I locked it behind me then went to the basement, where I found Mary laying on the chairs in the movie room. "Hey baby." I said "Oh my god you scared me." She jumped up "Didn't want me to catch you with your other boyfriend?" I laughed going over to her. "No Francis stop that." She looked serious. "He left an hour ago." She started laughing. "As long he knows I come first." I laughed and kissed her. "I'm glad you came over. I know i've been grumpy lately, i'm sorry." She said. I laid back in one of the chairs. "Come here." I opened up my arms, she laid her head on my chest. "You don't have to apologize. I'll love you no matter what." I said "Stop it you're you're to make me cry again." She looked up at me. "I'm sorry I can't, I just have to tell you how much I love you all the time." I laughed, so did she. "I have a question, I'm not trying to upset you when I asked this." I said "Okay, what is it?" She asked sitting up, moving out of my arms. "Are you so upset about everything with Grant because you're not over him?" I asked "No, no it's not that at all Francis. It's just that when I see him I will always think of the pain he caused me during the most difficult time in my life. I'm never going to heal from the pain of losing my parents, and the pain of him cheating on me is intertwined with that. So yes I am over him but the pain of what he did is still very raw. And honestly the fact that he thinks he can still try to fix things angers me so much." She said, tearing up. "And I'm so stressed out about school, I'm not getting into college." She was full sobbing. "Oh Mary." I hugged her while she cried. "I don't think you should cry about school, you are so smart Mary. You have a 4.0 gpa and an outstanding resume. And if you ever need to take a breather for the night, and put your homework down, that's okay." I said. We have been dating for 5 months, the only other time she has been this vulnerable with me is when she told me about her parents. "So everything is going to be okay?" She smiled as I wiped her tears. "Yes my love everything is going to be okay." I smiled, I'm glad I can cheer her up. "See so pretty." I said laying back down. "I could look at you all day." I smiled "I love you so much." She laid back down in my arms. "Hmm, you're okay I guess." I joked stroking her hair. "Ha ha so funny." She said sarcastically. She turned on a movie for us to watch. "My Mom says she wants to spend some one on one time with you." I said "Really? That's so sweet of her, I would love to hang out with her." She smiled, the doorbell went off. "Are you expecting anyone?" I asked "No, that's weird. Come with me." She said getting up, she held out her hand. I held on to it but laid limp. "Ugh I just can't get up." I laughed as she struggled to pick me up. "Stop come on." She laughed "Give me a kiss and i'll get up." She came over and kissed me. God I love kissing her. "Fine, I'm a man of my word." I said getting up. "Let's go big guy." She smiled as we went up stairs. They rang the doorbell again. "Coming." I yelled. Mary went over and opened the double doors. Outside was who other than a very drunk Grant. "Mary I need to talk to you, I'm so sorry." He said "Grant stop it. I told you we're over. You're drunk you're going to do something you regret." I said "Mary baby you know you want me." He said stepping closer. "It's time for you to go." I stepped in front of Mary. She held onto my arm. "No you need to go, Mary still loves me and she knows it." He said "Grant go, or i'll call the police." Mary said "Mary do you want to know what your perfect little boyfriend has been up to?" He asked. What is he talking about? "Grant what are you talking about?" Mary asked "You hate me because I slept with Lola? Well he did too." He said. I did have sex with a girl named Lola, but not that Lola. There is no fucking way it was that Lola. Mary let go of my arm. "What?" Mary looked at me and started tearing up. "Mary it was before we ever met. I had no idea she was the same Lola you told me about." I said "Grant, go home." She shut the doors in his face. "Mary I am so sorry." I said "Francis I think you should get your keys and go." She said not looking at me. "Mary please." I touched her shoulder, she moved away. "Francis I really just need some space." She said, still no eye contact. "Okay, I'll get my stuff and go." I said, I went down stairs and grabbed my keys. I went back upstairs and Mary was sitting at the kitchen table. "Can I call you later?" I asked, she didn't answer. "Goodnight Mary." I walked outside. Grant was leaning against my car with a smug look on his face. "So mr.nice guy isn't so nice after all." He laughed. I walked over and punched him. "Fuck you Grant, you are absolute scum." I punched him again then held him up by his collar. "If I ever find out you are bothering Mary again I promise you I will do a lot worse than this. Are we clear?" I said, he nodded. "Get out of here." I said, he walked over to his car and left. Once he was gone I felt too. I'm such an idiot.

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