Chapter 19- Mae

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Mae was in the middle of climbing into bed when she felt it. It was like a truck hitting her. Instant and painful.

She yelped and fell off of the side of the bed and onto the carpet, startling Kai from the other side of the room. Mae shut her eyes tight and stayed as still as she possibly could, trying her hardest to minimize her presence from the other part of her.

Kai's hurried footsteps came running across the floor and there was a loud crash as he knocked something over. "Mae, what are you doing? What's wrong?"

She let out a little gasp from holding her breath and said, barely audible, "It's Margaret. She's not dead."

He knelt down next to her, awkwardly putting an arm around her shoulders. After a moment he gave up at being comforting and sat across from her cowering form, staring at her with intense eyes. "How is that possible? You didn't do anything that could have somehow... triggered that, right?"

Mae shook her head slightly, still trying her hardest not to move.

He furrowed his eyebrows and asked again, "Then how is that possible?"

She shook her head once more in reply, panic surging through her body. "I don't kn-"

Would you like me to educate you, little Mae?

Margaret's voice swept through her mind, chilling, unnatural, and all too familiar. She cried out in shock and fell onto her back, uncontrollable shivers taking her over.

Oh, please don't let this be happening, Mae thought to herself with a feverish desperation.

"Go away, Margaret," she hissed through clenched teeth. She knew telling Margaret to leave was futile but she still did it anyways.

Tsk, tsk. Is that any way to greet an old friend?

"You are not an old friend. Why are you here? You're supposed to be dead," Mae said, waving off Kai and the look of pure confusion on his face.

Your little buddy Craig brought me back. Wasn't that just so nice of him?

Mae had no idea how to respond to that. It meant quite a lot of things. First of all, it meant that the eighth Hidden had been discovered along with the rest of the tenth. It also meant that the organization was actively trying to find the rest of them, and they were succeeding.

Aw, are you speechless? That's adorable. Itty-bitty Mae-Mae doesn't know what to do.

A loud cackle filled Mae's head as a sharp pain shot up her spine, causing her to grab Kai's wrist with all her strength in a feeble attempt to not cry out. She looked up at him with pleading eyes as if he could do something to fight whatever was about to come next.

All of the lights around them began to shake and flicker as Margaret's laughter moved out of Mae's head and into the room. She let go of his wrist and stood up on shaky legs, tears of pain in her eyes.

"What is going on?" Kai shouted over all the noise. The ground was rumbling now, and Mae could hear the people in the neighboring rooms screaming. She ignored him and fumbled for her hoodie with unsteady hands, pulling it over the thin hotel pajamas.

"Kai, we need to get out of here," she said right as the door to their room flew off its hinges and slammed into the opposing wall. A girl nearly identical to Mae stood on the other side, a sadistic grin on her face.


"Hello, Mae," she said, taking a step forward.

Mae lost it.

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