Chapter 4- Lucy

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The second Lucy left the room to go and "find Kernel," her eyes narrowed. Her posture slumped. Her footsteps became heavier. All of her grace from earlier became replaced with something a little harsher. Something a little more sinister.

Lucy Aldbourne wasn't stupid. She could tell that Mae wasn't very fond of her just by the delayed expressions on her face as she talked to her. Mae's body language practically shouted her unease around Lucy. That made Lucy feel almost as if she had an upper hand against the other girl somehow. She knew that was absurd, though. Mae was probably far stronger than Lucy ever would be. Mae had a powerful build that Lucy wished she had, but she just wasn't built that way. Her parents always said that she was very stunning, but Lucy wanted to be cool, not stunning.

Well, that was okay. She'd make Mae like her. She had already gotten on Kernel's good side just by helping him take care of his younger sister, but unfortunately Mae had no clue that Lucy had done a lot of the work to keep her comfortable while she slept. That upset Lucy. She had worked so hard to keep Mae comfortable, and yet Mae had pushed her away with the excuse of "finding Kernel." Lucy would show her. She would find Kernel so fast that Mae wouldn't have enough time to blink before she was back with him!

Kernel's cabin was a very cozy, rustic and yet spacious place, with warm yellow lights and light brown wooden walls that added to the cabin experience. He had a bunch of colorful knickknacks scattered about in every room to match the oddly colored, pastel furniture. In one room, a fireplace with bright red bricks and a stark white mantel held a bunch of clustered pictures in fancy frames on top of it. Lucy could almost feel the memories emanating from them. A time where things were ignorantly happy. She wondered what things were like when Mae and Kernel were young.

The entire interior felt as if someone had just released a bomb of bright and cheerful colors and left it at that. Lucy felt comfy and at home, despite only have staying there for a week or so.

Although she felt at home, she hadn't memorized every tiny room in the entire place. Kernel had a lot of doors in his house, she realized. They were all closed, too. How was she supposed to find him if there were dozens of doors to look for him through? Lucy groaned as she walked past a long, dark, narrow hallway littered with so many doors that there was no wall space at all. All of them had different designs, ranging from a plain brown to a copper plated to a white and purple one with a chipped paint job.

Lucy walked up to the door closest to her, which was a dark and brooding blue color that had little cloud and sailboat designs painted all over it. She knocked lightly, knowing that if she had to check every door in this hallway her knuckles would get sore from the repeated knocking.

No one answered, but Lucy's interest had been piqued. She wanted to know what was inside. So she turned the knob and opened the door.

She gasped as she stepped into the room.

There was no furniture or any sort of decoration. Instead of the warm wooden floor that was out in the hallway, hard concrete made up both the walls and floor in the room. There wasn't a single window or light source anywhere in the room, so the only light that came in was from the light in the room outside the hallway.

However, that light was enough.

Lucy felt tears come to her eyes as she saw the walls of the room. Words were written all over them in a tortured, messy style that screamed the desperation that whoever wrote them must have felt while etching them into the walls forever.

"I'm sorry."

"No one cares."

"Why am I still here?"

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