Chapter 15- Lucy

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Lucy had never been so terrified before.

She was currently sitting alone in a small room surrounded by blinding white just like the cell she had shared with Craig. The mean-looking man who had brought her there hadn't said a word after throwing her in, so she had no idea what to expect. All she knew was that they wanted her to give information that she didn't have.

What were they going to do? Would they just ask her questions, or would they go to more extreme measures like torture? What if they beat her? What if they starved her? What if they-

The door opened, startling her already jittery self. A small girl in a white maid's outfit marched through, followed by none other than Ophelia herself.

"Hello, dear," the mistress cooed with a sugary smile. "Are you ready to answer us a few questions? I promise if you aren't difficult we can all have a pleasant time."

Lucy swallowed hard and looked at her feet.

The small girl took a silent post by the door, her face creepily emotionless. Ophelia hummed slightly as she took a seat across from Lucy and rested her hands on the small table between them. She slowly tapped her painted nails on the surface, clearly taking pleasure in the way Lucy flinched whenever they hit.

"So, first we start with the basics, Lucille Aldbourne. What do you know about Margaret Foster?" Ophelia asked, the smile slowly dropping from her face.

Lucy swallowed once more, not even surprised that they knew her full name. She felt like she shouldn't say anything, but the few things she did know weren't that harmful. "Uh, she has a brother who lives in the woods. She has ten Hiddens about her childhood?" Lucy trailed off, trying to think under Ophelia's intense stare. "There's this void stuff that she controls, and her cousin, I think, runs a-"

"Enough," the mistress said. "Are you really trying to be funny in a situation like this? Do you have any idea of what we can and will do to you? I told you to not be difficult."

"I swear that's all I know! I haven't known Mae for very long, and in the month or so I have she hasn't told me her deepest secrets!" Lucy began to panic. Ophelia did not look very amused at what she had just told her.

The mistress stood up, shadows covering her face despite the harsh lights.

"You will tell us what we need to know, Lucille Aldbourne."

She turned and walked out of the room, the small girl trailing behind her. Lucy could faintly hear the mistress tell the girl to "get Ares," whatever that meant.

The door slammed shut.

After a moment, Lucy got up and walked over to the door, looking for a way to open it. The door itself was a solid steel covered in smooth white paint. There wasn't a visible handle anywhere, but rather a small hole where one should have been. She stuck her finger in it, expecting something to happen, but to no avail.

She jumped a little as something behind the door made a clicking noise. It opened slowly with her standing there like a deer in headlights, and in walked the tall, bulky man who had led her to the room. He stared at her for a second, eyes burning with a cross of annoyance and hatred.

"Come on, punk," he said. "Your time here is over."

Not knowing exactly what that was supposed to mean, Lucy slowly walked out into the clean, white hallway.

It was seemingly endless. White panels lined the floor, walls and ceiling where bright lights shone down upon everything. There were no decorations or other doors, or even any people. Just a long hallway leading to nowhere.

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