Chapter 16- Mae

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"Take your pills," ordered the woman with the uniform

"No," spat the small girl, her face red from all of the screaming she had been doing earlier. She crossed her arms and looked defiantly at the woman who was clearly exasperated with the child.

"Take. Your. Pills." the woman said once more. "Now."

"No!" the little girl shrieked. She jumped up off of the hospital bed and made a mad dash for the door of the dim, dinky room, but the nurse was quicker. She grabbed the girl by her upper arms, picked her up and sat her back on the bed. The girl began to wail.

"No! I don't wanna take the pills! I hate them!"

The nurse just barely refrained from rolling her eyes before she asked the girl, "Why do you hate them so much? Can you tell me?"

"They make me feel really funny," she said, crossing her arms again. "And then I see things and remember things and I don't like it."

The nurse furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. What was the kid talking about?

"What do you mean?" she asked as she locked the door and moved a chair in front of it before sitting down.

"Why should I tell you?" she questioned the nurse.

"Maybe I can help you so that you don't have to take them anymore," the nurse responded. Of course, that was a lie, but the kid didn't need to know that.

Eyeing the chair and door wearily, the girl sighed. "I see the White Lady. And then I remember Mom and Dad and then the three people always want to talk to me. I never know what they're saying, though. I remember when the mean kids threw Alice down the well and I don't like that either. But the worst part is" -the girl took in a deep breath as she finished the last part of her thoughs- "I see myself. But it's not me. It's the bad me," she finished, whispering the last sentence like she was afraid that someone outside of the room would hear.

The nurse stared blankly at the child before blinking a few times. She hadn't understood a thing that the kid had said, but one thing was for sure.

The kid was crazy. Absolutely mental. No wonder she was put on all of those heavy pills.

But the nurse had an idea.

"Oh, I'm really sorry about all of that, sweetie. How about I give you a different pill to help you? One that doesn't do all of those awful things?"

The little girl fell back on the bed and pouted for a second before reluctantly agreeing.

"Wonderful!" the nurse was pleased with herself.

She got up and reached up into the cabinet to take out a different, unopened bottle containing the girl's usual pills. She almost felt a little bad for tricking the girl, but she had absolutely no intentions of going to her superior with the kid's complaints.

The nurse opened up the bottle of pills and took out two of them before bringing them over to the girl who was still lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Here you go," the nurse said as she placed the pills by the girl's water glass on the bedside table.

The girl got up slowly before grabbing the pills and water. She downed the pills in a few big gulps of water and set the cup back down on the small table. She looked up at the nurse and grinned.

"Thank you. Can you make sure that I never get the other..."

She stopped mid sentence and stared at something behind the nurse, her eyes growing wide. "You lied to me," she whispered in horror.

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