Chapter 11- Lucy

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Lucy was just talking to the lady with mismatched buns, who had introduced herself as Amanda, as she watched Ethan go to work on Kai. The redhead was not liking the fact that he had to sit still for so long, but he was managing. It probably helped that Amanda kept cooing about how much she loved his hair.

Ethan was just finishing up his haircut when the sound of people yelling at each other drifted into the back. One of the voices was Mae's and the other was a voice that Lucy didn't recognize, but it sounded lighthearted, and she could've sworn that it was laughing at and mocking whoever was able to hear it.

She dashed out into the front, the others only a few feet behind her. A boy with blonde hair was smirking down at Mae, whose hands were completely covered in void. Her face was full of anger unlike the boy's, who was smiling at the shorter girl as if he was pleased with her anger.

"Yes! That's it, Margaret Foster! Show me the chaos that you've created! Be mad at me! I have the Dead Eye, and you can never get it back!" he laughed crazily as he clawed at his right eye. "It cries blood, and whose fault is that? It's yours! Everything is your fault!"

Mae growled, and patches of void started to grow along the sides of the walls in intersecting splotches. Small chunks of the black and white tiled floor rose up and floated about, unaffected by gravity. It reminded Lucy all too much of the night before and of the courtyard that Alice had been trapped in.

"Shut up, rich kid! You have no idea what that Eye even is! It's not crying blood because of me, it's crying blood because it wants to reject you."

"Oh, I know more about this Eye than you think. It's driven me mad! I'm insane now because of your imbecilic Hiddens! Because you couldn't control them, they got it and now it's a part of me. I for sure can say that's your fault!" he cried as blood dripped all over the hand that was covering his right Eye. It spilled down his cheeks and all over the polished tiles where it turned the color of ink.

"Where's the other one?" Mae shouted at the laughing boy. His left eye widened and he laughed harder.

"You have it, Margaret Foster. Are you trying to be funny?"

Lucy had no idea what they were talking about, or who the kid with the bleeding eye was, or why Mae was upset and using the void. Their glares were so intense that she was sure they hadn't even noticed her and the others, and she wasn't sure she wanted them to.

"I told you already, Margaret is dead! I'm Mae! How can Margaret have the other Eye if she's dead?" Mae screamed back at the other boy.

"You are Margaret and you do have the other Eye," he said, letting his hand drop from covering his face. Crusted blood lined the right side of his face like a mask along with the fresh reddish-black blood that shone over the rust-colored dry patch.

Then he opened it.

The eye was a fluorescent red that shone like a lantern. A new wave of black blood spilled out and fell down the boy's face in lines that sizzled and bubbled like molten lava. Outside, the sky turned the same color as his eye and lit up the entire shop through its large glass windows. Lucy felt the ground begin to rumble and shake and she grabbed onto the nearest counter for balance.

"What is going on?" she heard Amanda shriek from behind her. The poor girl sounded scared beyond wits end, and Lucy felt for her. If she wouldn't have seen Alice or the room before, she would have been even more terrified than she already was, which was exactly very terrified.

Outside, figures in black faded in from nothingness and milled the streets like phantoms. One glided up to the glass and looked in with its soulless eyes which Lucy could barely tell apart from its inky black face. It let out a shrill wail that could be heard from inside of the small store. All around, pedestrians fled from the phantom shapes, screaming as they ran for cover; it wasn't a moment later tons of people dressed in over-the-top white costumes and masks leaped down from the buildings and started advancing towards the shop.

Hiddens [Old Version- New Coming Soon]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα