Chapter 18

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Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay congregated in a room off the Great Hall once the boys had come back from locking in the prisoners. Now, the core four had almost all of Auradon's most prominent people in their grasp or on the island. Uma had set off an hour ago and Mal was sure that they were already being thrown on the Isle as they speak. Literally thrown. Uma was not a patient person. Mal was sure she could figure out a spell, or create one of her own, in order to watch the ensuing fight that was inevitable between villains and heroes. Mal was sure her girlfriend and the boys would be delighted to watch the fighting and the downfall of the villains and heroes. However, they had all, except Carlos, kept their own story heroes in the dungeon. Carlos didn't want revenge on Anita and Roger. He wanted revenge on his mother. Uma had strict instructions to capture Cruella alive at any cost and bring her back so she can answer for the blood she had spilt. Carlos' blood, to be exact. Anita and Roger were sent to the Isle without a second thought. Their abundance of dogs were being kept to be trained as guard dogs. Carlos was never afraid of dogs. He knew his mother would lie to him about anything, especially dogs, so he didn't mind in the slightest. The puppies would be easy to mold into vicious and loyal guard dogs. The elder ones, Perdita and Pongo, would be a hard nut to crack, but Carlos was sure they would come around eventually. Especially if they had Mal's magic on their side.

"Now what?" Jay asked. No one knew exactly what to do. They achieved what they set out to accomplish and it felt like they were at a stand-still.

"Now, we rule," Mal responded. "We rule and we take revenge on those that have wronged us." All the VKs smiled at the thought. None of them could wait.

Two days after the take over, Jay sent for Jasmine, Aladdin and the Genie. The Genie was bound once more to a lamp, as he could not be killed, and Mal, with her magic, created a concrete box around the lamp. Uma then dropped it in the middle of the ocean, never to be found again. Aladdin and Jasmine's deaths were violent. Hand to hand combat was Jay's way and he beat them until they no longer moved or breathed. Jasmine was no fighter and with her tiger gone to undergo training to become loyal to only the Kings and Queens, she was useless. Aladdin put up a better fight, but in the end he still ended up with Jay heaving over him, sweat glistening on his body as his fists smashed in Aladdin's face. Carlos thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.

A week after the take over, Evie sent for Snow White and the seven dwarfs. She poured poison down the dwarfs' throats and had Snow White watch as the last of the people she loved seized and drowned in their own blood and vomit. She then forced a potion down Snow White's throat that aged her rapidly and watched in satisfaction as the young lady turned old and crippled before turning into bones and rotted flesh.

She later sent Doug and Chad to the Isle, watching through her new, gigantic magic mirror as the boys were ripped to shreds (literally) by the villains moments after they had arrived. Revenge was a dish best served cold.

Mal called for Aurora, Queen Leah and Audrey almost a month after the take over. Due to little food and water, they were all skin and bones. Mal cackled as Audrey and her mother began to sob, pleading and begging for their lives. Magic ran through her veins and she used it with little effort, torturing the family until they all were bloody and couldn't stand upright anymore. The three women were forced to kneel as Mal said a small speech.

"You know, I was almost going to turn to good for a second there." All the Auradonians forced to watch the display looked shocked. "Yes, I know and I was so close, too. These guys would follow me to the ends of the Earth, so they would've turned to good as well. But, here's the thing, you," she pointed at Queen Leah and Audrey, "fucked it all up. You just had to open your mouths and spew your bigoted opinions. After that, I wanted to watch this place burn. It's all. Your. Fault. Now you'll get to watch each other burn." Mal lit her hands on fire and burned the three alive, one by one. Audrey first, then Aurora, then Queen Leah. As Mal placed her hand on Queen Leah, she leaned in close and whispered "should've kept your mouth shut, bitch". The fire was specially made for them to feel every minute detail of the burning sensation and Mal was delighted to hear their screams and smell the stench of burning flesh. Some people in attendance threw up and Mal knew she would execute them for being weak later on. For now, she'd sit back and enjoy this.

Carlos didn't care that Anita and Roger died not even two days after they arrived on the Isle. All he cared about was the piece of shit woman rotting away in a cell beneath his feet. When he called for her, three months after their take over, she was impossibly skinnier than he remembered and she sobbed at his feet, begging for mercy and trying to justify her actions. She clung to his ankles until he kicked her off, sending her sprawling down the steps. The woman grew angry, attempting to stand up and approach Carlos. The boy slammed her down on a table in the middle of the room, having Jay help him tie her up. The woman struggled, spewing insults and curses. Carlos inserted a blade and she screamed as he painstakingly began to peel her skin off of her. People watched in horror for hours, unable to take their eyes off the spectacle as Cruella writhed around in pain and her son skinned her alive. Whenever she passed out, Mal would wake her with a spell. She felt every part of being skinned alive and, at first she felt smug. Carlos would surely make a coat out of her skin and honor her legacy, even though he'd do it by one upping her. That is until he made it entirely clear by throwing each piece he took off into a trash can that he would do nothing of the sort. He wanted her to feel and be as useless as he once thought he was. Finally the job was done and he watched in satisfaction as his skinning tool sunk deep into Cruella's skull, killing her instantly.

Mal sent for Ben, Adam and Belle last. Adam and Belle were killed instantly, Mal not feeling like drawing it out. Their blood pooled on the ground surrounding Ben and the boy flinched. Mal knew Ben was up to something with the prisoners and, with the help of magic mirrors, knew they were going to start a rebellion. Lonnie and Jane, the remaining two out of the six that started the rebellion (Ben, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, Audrey, Chad) were called up and forced to kneel. Each finger was broken one by one on the girls and boy for their attempt at an escape, pathetic as it was. Mal then put a spell on them, making them live out their worst fears over and over again until, finally, they all snapped, losing their sense of mind and sense of self. Jane grabbed Carlos and begged him to kill her, something he did easily and with a smirk. Lonnie was crying her eyes out and Ben was despondent. They made perfect assistants to the crown as Mal cuffed them, draining all their life spirit and energy. She had them stand for Evil knows how long on either side of the thrones, posture straight and stiff. The torture would never stop for them and they could not talk or protest in any way. They were forever bound to the new Kings and Queens until Mal grew bored of them ten months later and had their already lifeless and tired eyes gouged out and their bodies burned.

As prisoners were shipped off to the Isle, bound to the Kings and Queens as slaves or killed off, the population in the dungeon dwindled until no one remained. Finally, the girls and boys were free to rule without the thought of having to deal with people in the dungeon wiggling in the back of their minds. All the villain kids that escaped the Isle settled in comfortably in Auradon Prep and the core four, plus Uma and Harry, took it upon themselves to teach classes. Evie and Carlos taught a majority of the regular classes, like maths and sciences, plus some extra curriculars like Fashion Design, Poisons and Other Harmful Chemicals, etc. Mal and Jay taught hand to hand combat together and Mal taught those with magic how to control it. Uma and Harry were in charge of those who either wanted to sail the seas like them or taught kids how to handle a sword.

When the Core Four weren't teaching, they were in the battle room, coming up with ideas on how to take the kingdoms that weren't under Auradon rule or those that hadn't attended the ball and shut down their kingdoms, readying for an attack. They were busy, that was for sure, but nothing felt more right than when they were in their rooms with their significant others, cuddled up beside one another or when they all sat on their thrones, surveying their subjects (both Auradonian and Islanders), crowns resting gently on their heads. They felt powerful, in charge.

They felt like they were home.

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